Library Properties (Media)


Use this dialog box to view or modify media related options in a library.

Mark Media Appendable

When selected, the requested media will be marked as Appendable when it is not available in the library and a new media will be used by the job.

When cleared, the requested media will be marked as Full when it is not available in the library and a new media will be used by the job.

  • Use Appendable Media within n Day (s) of its last write time

    When selected, if an active media is not available in the library, media marked Appendable and with the last written data not older than the specified number of days will be re-used.

    Once an Appendable is re-used, it will be marked as Active.

    When cleared, media marked as Appendable will not be re-used.


    Media marked as Appendable can be re-used only by the storage policy copy (and the same stream in the storage policy copy) that was previously used to write to the media.

Media Handling

The following Media Handling options are applicable only for stand-alone drives.

  • Show Media related pop-up messages on CommCell Console

    When selected, a pop-up message is displayed in the MediaAgent computer and the CommCell Console (irrespective of where it is open) if a wrong media or no media is available in the drive.

    When cleared the pop-up message is only displayed in the MediaAgent computer.

  • Automatically use spare media from different scratch pool if found in drive

    When selected, the system will use a spare media from another scratch pool if the media is available in the drive.

  • Unload media in standalone drive when different media is required

    When selected, the system will unload the media from the drive when a different media is required. (If the stand-alone drive supports the automatic ejection of the media from the drive, the media will also be ejected.)

    When cleared, the system will not unload the media from the drive and will overwrite the media if the Overwrite Media in drive if Media Not Written to in (n) Days/Hours is enabled, after the time specified in this option.

Start New Media

  • When required media is exported

    When selected, the active media is marked as appendable if it is exported, and a new media is used for the job.

    When cleared, the job goes into waiting until the active media is imported back into the library or the job is killed by the user. Appropriate event messages are logged in the Event Viewer.

  • When required media is stuck in drive

    When selected, the stuck media is marked as appendable, and a new media is used for the job.

    When cleared, the job goes into waiting until the media is manually unloaded from the drive or the job is killed by the user. Appropriate event messages are logged in the Event Viewer.

Barcode Labeling Scheme

This option is applicable only for stand-alone drives and blind libraries.

Specifies the labeling scheme that will be used to stamp the media used in stand-alone drives or blind library. Several Label Options are displayed in the list. To choose one, click the appropriate label and then click Add Token. The labeling scheme is displayed in the box displayed below.


Ensure that the labeling scheme specified generates a unique label for each media. If the specified labeling scheme does not create unique labels, and if duplicate labels are found, the system automatically appends a media ID to make it unique.

Virtual Mail Slot For Export

When selected, media exported by a Tracking Policy, which has the option Use Virtual Mail Slots for export in source libraries option selected, is stored in a range of contiguous slots in the library. (The range of contiguous slots are defined using the Start From option described below.)

When cleared, media exported by a Tracking Policy is managed as follows:

  • Exported using the library's mail slot, if a mail slot is available.

  • Stored in the appropriate slots, if a mail slot is not available in the library.

    Use media in virtual mail slot for data protection

    When selected, media currently in the virtual mail slot, will be used for data protection operations.

    Starts From

    The starting slot number and the direction for the virtual mail slot.

If the library is a stand-alone drive, the Start New Media, Auto-Discovery of Media and Use media in virtual mail slot for data protection options are not applicable and hence not displayed.

When Assigned Media Re-Appears in Library

The following options are useful to globally reset the container and/or export location associations for media, when it is recalled or re-imported back to a library. (These associations are viewable from the Media Properties - General tab.)

  • Reset container

    When selected, the container associated with the media is automatically reset when the media is imported or put back in the library.

  • Reset export location

    When selected, the export location associated with the media is automatically reset when the media is imported or put back in the library.