Marking Media as Erasable


To erase spare media, you must first mark media as erasable. You can mark media as erasable from either the storage policy copy level or from the library level. The media associated with the storage policy copy is marked erasable as soon as the media is aged or the media is recycled.


To mark media erasable from the storage policy copy:

The media associated with the storage policy copy is marked erasable as soon as the media is aged or the media is recycled.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Policies | Storage Policies.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy copy and click Properties.

  3. On the Media tab, select the Mark Media to be Erased After Recycling check box and click OK.

To mark media erasable from a library:

  1. Make sure that the media is in a tape library slot.

  2. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media By Groups | <Scratch Pool>.

  3. Right-click the appropriate media, point to Options, and then click Mark Media Erasable.

    A warning message is displayed, indicating that media that is marked as erasable, is not available for Disaster Recovery.

  4. Click Yes to mark the media as erasable.

What to do next

After you mark the spare media as erasable, choose whether to erase multiple or specific spare media: