Media By Location


Media in Library

The Media in Library pool is the logical repository for all media available in the library. See Identifying Media Icons for a list of media that may be available in the library and the operations that can be performed on each of these media. From the CommCell Console, you can view the properties such as the media status, barcode, library, location, last write time, and size of stored data for the media listed in this pool.

From the Media in Library pool in the CommCell Console, you can export media in bulk, based on a list or on a criteria. For comprehensive information on exporting media, see Export Media.

Only exported media will not be displayed in this list. See Media Operations for additional information on media options.

Media in Library pool is not applicable for Stand-Alone drives.

Media With Data Marked for Extended Retention

Media containing data that are marked extended retention is displayed with the suffix (E). This will help you identify media containing data marked for extended retention. See Tape Handling for more information.

Undiscovered Media

Undiscovered media are media that are available inside the library, but not yet discovered for by the MediaAgent. If an undiscovered media contains a valid barcode, the discover media operation provides you with the option to either discover the media or export the media. If an undiscovered media has no barcode or contains an invalid barcode (where the library could not read the barcode) only the slot ID for the media is displayed in the CommCell Console. Such media can only be exported.

Media With Duplicate Barcodes

When two media with the same barcode are available in a library or different libraries, one of them must be exported in order to use the other media. In such a situation, it may be necessary to determine which media must be retained or exported.

Consider the following:

  • Both media are undiscovered

    Both these media will be displayed in the Media in Library pool. As both these media cannot be discovered and used in the CommCell, export one and discover the other.

  • One media is already a spare media (does not contain any data)

    Both these media will be displayed in the Media in Library pool, but the spare media will also be displayed in the original scratch pool. From the scratch pool, note the slot number of the original media. From the Media in Library pool, export the duplicate media residing on a different slot number/library.

  • One media is an assigned media (contains data)

    Both these media will be displayed in the Media in Library pool, but the assigned media will also be displayed in the Assigned Media pool. From the Assigned Media pool, note the slot number of the media. From the Media in Library pool, export the duplicate media residing on a different slot number/library. Perform a verify media operation on the media.

In all these situations, the exported media can be re-introduced after changing the bar code label to contain a unique number. If, however, the exported media is stored, make sure that the duplicate barcode label is removed to avoid future mistakes.

In the case of media containing duplicate barcodes in two different libraries, after exporting one of the media from a library, the other library may not update its status until an inventory is performed. Hence, it is recommended that you perform the Full Scan or Reset Library operation.

Media From a Different Library

When more than one library with the same media type are attached to a CommCell, media belonging to one library may accidentally be inserted in another library. In such a situation, one of the following actions will be performed:

  • If the media is a spare media which was exported from the original library, the media is automatically moved to the default scratch pool of the library in which the media resides. All media information will be removed from the original library. However, the media properties and history will be retained and displayed in the new library.

  • If the media is an assigned media which was exported from the original library, the media will be displayed as a media from a different library. You will not be able to discover such a media. In such a situation, export the media and make sure that it is either imported back to its original library, or if stored, labeled properly.

Data can be restored from the media, if the media resides in a different library with compatible drive types.

Exported Media

The Exported Media pool is the logical repository for all media which were previously discovered and subsequently exported from the library. For comprehensive information on the Exported Media pool and Export Media see Export Media.