Modifying Oracle Database Instance Properties Using the Commvault Command Line Interface


Use XML to modify Oracle database instance properties. Run the operation from the command line, or automate configuration by combining command line operations in a script.

You can include the XML parameters in the xml file, or you can specify them on the command line when they frequently change. For more information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.


  1. On the Oracle Agent host, run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the UpdateInstance.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. Open the UpdateInstance.xml file, add your specific parameters, and save the file.

    For information on supported instance XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Oracle Instance Configuration.

  4. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base and type the command.

    qoperation execute -af UpdateInstance.xml -appName 'oracle' -entity/clientGroupName '<clientgroupname>' -clientName '<client_name>' -instanceName '<dbname>' -subclientName '<subclient_name>'-ctrlFileAutoBackup '<0_1_2>' -disableRMANcrosscheck '<true_false>' -logBackupStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName '<log_sp>' -blockSize '<block_size_num>' -numberOfArchiveLogBackupStreams '<backup_streams_num>' -networkAgents '<network_agents_num>'

  5. Optional: Verify the changes. See Getting Oracle Instance Properties Using the Commvault Command Line Interface.

  6. Run the qlogout command to log off the CommServe computer.


Modifying the Oracle Connect String

qoperation execute -af UpdateInstance.xml -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'client1' -instanceName 'oratest' -sqlConnect/domainName 'domain_test' -sqlConnect/password 'password1234' -sqlConnect/username 'sql_user'

Modifying the Control File Autobackup

qoperation execute -af UpdateInstance.xml -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -ctrlFileAutoBackup '1' -useCatalogConnect false

Modifying the Credentials for the Oracle Catalog Connect

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -catalogConnect/domainName 'oratest' -catalogConnect/passw ord 'sys' -catalogConnect/username 'sys'

Modifying the Oracle Home Path

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -oracleHome 'E:\app\dmadmin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1'

Modifying the Command Line Storage Policy

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -commandLineStoragePolicyName 'AUTOMATION'

Modifying the Oracle Block Size

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -BlockSize '1048576'

Modifying the RMAN Crosscheck

Set the disableRMANcrosscheck parameter to true to disable the RMAN crosscheck.

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -disableRMANcrosscheck 'true'

Modifying the Oracle User Credentials on Windows

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -oracleUser/domainName 'winftitest' -oracleUser/password ' docadmin!12' -oracleUser/username 'dmadmin'

Modifying the Connect String

qoperation execute -af 'UpdateInstance.xml' -appName 'Oracle' -clientName 'winftitest' -instanceName 'oratest' -sqlConnect/userName '/'

Modifying the Oracle Instance Properties on All Clients in a Client Group