Network Bandwidth Throttling: Options


This page provides help for the Network Bandwidth Throttling feature's Network Throttle and Throttling Rule dialog boxes.

Network Throttle

Use this dialog box to configure throttling between clients, client groups, and MediaAgents.

Enable Network Throttling

Select this option to throttle network traffic for clients, client groups, and MediaAgents, thereby helping to limit the network bandwidth usage. When cleared, disables throttling between the selected client and other clients or MediaAgents.

  • Remote Clients or Client Group

    Allows setting up throttling between the selected client and other clients or client groups.

    • All clients share allocated bandwidth

      Select this option to allocate to each client or client group you select an amount of bandwidth equal to the total available bandwidth divided by the number of clients and client groups to which this rule applies.

  • Throttling Schedule

    Allows setting up a schedule for throttling to take effect.


    A throttling schedule uses the time zone of the computer at the throttle's origination point. For example, if the throttling configuration is from client to MediaAgent, then the throttling schedule uses the time zone of the client. If the throttle configuration is from MediaAgent to client, then the throttling schedule uses the time zone of the MediaAgent.

    • Click Add to specify the schedule details.

    • Click Modify... to change an existing schedule.

    • Click Delete to remove an existing schedule.

Throttling Rule

Use this tab to set up a throttling schedule between the selected clients and client groups.

Days of Week

The days of the week during which this throttling rule will be applied.

Time Interval

You can set time interval options for the throttling schedule, as follows:


A throttling schedule uses the time zone of the computer at the throttle's origination point. For example, if the throttling configuration is from client to MediaAgent, then the throttling schedule uses the time zone of the client. If the throttle configuration is from MediaAgent to client, then the throttling schedule uses the time zone of the MediaAgent.

  • Whole Day

    • Select to make this schedule valid for the entire day (default).

    • Deselect to specify a backup window by entering starting and ending times (next).

  • Start Time

    Open the backup window at this time.

  • End Time

    Close the backup window at this time.

Throttling Rate

Use this option to limit network sending and/or receiving rates. Select from Absolute or Relative modes, as follows:

  • Use Absolute Throttling

    This option lets you set a fixed, numeric limit, without respect to actual available bandwidth.

    • Throttle Send (Kbps)

      Enter a limit for the rate at which the selected client can transmit data.

    • Throttle Receive (Kbps)

      Enter a limit for the rate at which the selected client can receive data.

  • Throttle Relative to Bandwidth

    This option lets you throttle bandwidth consumption based on a percentage of the bandwidth actually available to the client or client group.

    • If send bandwidth is less than (Kbps)

      Enter a threshold in kilobits per second, and then in Throttle at (%), enter the percentage of threshold bandwidth the selected clients and/or client groups will throttle to when sending data if the threshold is crossed.

    • If receive bandwidth is less than (Kbps)

      Enter a threshold in kilobits per second, and then in Throttle at (%), enter the percentage of threshold bandwidth to allocate for receiving data from the selected clients and/or client groups if the threshold is crossed.