New/Add Instance


Use the New/Add Instance dialog boxes, General tabs, or the Authentication tab to create a new instance. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Pseudo Client Name

Use the space to specify the name of the pseudo-client for the DataAgent.

Instance Physical Client

Click the name of the client computer on which the Oracle instance will be found.

Instance Name

Use the space to specify the name of the DB2 DPF instance.


Specify the DB2 instance path for which the DB2 DPF pseudo-client is being created. Click Browse as appropriate.

Client computer

Displays the name of the client computer on which this instance/partition will be found.


Displays the name of the agent to which this instance/partition will belong.

Database Name

Use the space to specify the name of the Oracle RAC database.

Instance / Server / ORACLE SID / Partition

Specify the name of the instance or instance-like object (partition, database, Oracle SID) . The name should be the same name as the name of the database for which the instance is created. To add a partition to the system configuration, select the box located to the left of the partition name. For an Oracle instance being added to the QR Agent, ensure that the Oracle listener is started.


Identifies the version number of the software.

Oracle User

On Unix operating systems, specifies the Oracle User account under which the Oracle backups are conducted. For Oracle on Windows, this field is called User Account.

Informix USER

Enter the name of the user account or user group under which the operations would be conducted.

SA User Name and Account Password

Specify the user name and password used by the system to perform all operations.


Click to enter the application user account and password.


Enter the path of the Home directory where you have installed the application.


Click to change the Oracle Home directory.

Connect String

Specifies the database connect string. You can change the database connect string by entering 1) database user ID, 2) password for the user ID @ 3) Oracle service name in the three spaces provided. The user ID must have SYSDBA privileges.

Alternatively, instead of the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, you can create less powerful user IDs with the following object privileges:






You can create a user ID with these privileges, or you can use the internal user ID.

TNS Admin (Folder)

Identifies the path to the TNS Admin directory. If a value is not provided, a default value is created by appending the path \network\admin to the path of the $ORACLE_HOME directory, such as, if $ORACLE_HOME is \opt2\oracle, then TNS_ADMIN is \opt2\oracle\network\admin.


Click to establish or change the designated TNS_ADMIN directory.

Default Database Storage Policy

Click to select from a list of available storage policies that can be used in full and differential backup jobs for the databases added.

Local Administrator with Sybase sysadmin role

A Windows user that has Local Administrator rights to the computer and is a member of Sybase sysadmin fixed server role for the Instance. This is the account used by the system to perform jobs on Sybase.


QR with Oracle - Click to establish or change the designated TNS_ADMIN directory. Otherwise - Displays a browsewindow which allows you to establish the designated Home directory.


Enter the name of the ONCONFIG file, which is used to help administer the number of streams, among other capabilities.


Click to browse for the ONCONFIG file.

User Account

Displays the application user account.

On Windows operating systems, specifies the application user account used by the system to perform all Data Protection and Recovery operations for this instance.

On Unix operating systems, specifies the Oracle User account under which the Oracle backups are conducted.

DB2 - The user must have either administration privileges or SYSADM, SYSCTRL, and SYSMAINT user group privileges to change the user account.


Click to change the application user account and password.

Data Path

The path to the target data (instance/partition/data files and control files, etc.). SAP Data Path can be the same as the path for Oracle HOME.


Displays a browsewindow which allows you to establish or change the designated SAP data path.

Storage Policy / Storage Policy used for the data of default subclient

Assign a Storage Policy from the list.


The status of the database.

Recall items to Recovered Items folder

Specifies whether messages or items recalled should be placed in the Recovered Items folder. When selected, data will be recalled to the Recovered Items folder. When cleared, data will be recalled to the original folder from which the data was archived.


Use this space to include relevant comments.

Auto detect new & deleted partitions

For DB2 DPF, specifies to detect new and deleted DB2 database partitions. This option should be selected by default.