Online Help for Browse and Restore Data Options


Use this dialog box to select the basic options under which you want to browse the data secured by a data protection operation in the selected client, agent, instance/partition, or backup set level depending on the functionality of a given agent. These options influence the behavior of the browse operation in the subsequent Restore window. These settings will only impact supported agents residing on the client.

Browse and Restore Options (Time Range)

Latest Backup

Specifies whether the browse operation must display data from the most recent data protection operation (from now back to the last full backup) in the Restore window. This option is selected by default.

Time Range

Specifies whether the browse operation must display data up to the specified date start and end time in the Restore window. Data secured after the specified date and time will be omitted in this window. This time considers all the cycles falling in this time range. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

Absolute Time

Select this option to enter a start time and/or end time (and optionally, dates) of backups to restore.

Time Zone

The time zone that applies to the start and end times, below. To change the time zone, click the list and select one.

Start Time, End Time

These two settings define the window during which the data was backed up. Start Time is compared to the job start time, and End Time is compared to job end time, as both are reported in the Job Controller window. Both these criteria support entering hours and minutes.

End Time should be rounded up to the next whole minute if you need to include jobs that ended partway through the last minute. For example, if you want to include a job whose end time is 11:20:15, set End Time to 11:21.

Relative Time

Select this to set a backup window starting a number of days, weeks, months or years prior to the current date and ending with the current date. The browse and restore operation will consider all cycles within the specified time.

Documentum View

Specifies to browse and restore Documentum documents that have been secured by a data protection operation. Select a subclient from the list. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

File Level Browse (Restore individual files/folders from disk image)

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the files and folders secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set or subclient as of the specified browse items.

Volume Level Browse (Restore the disk image/volume)

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the volumes secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set or subclient as of the specified browse items.

Table View

For DB2, Oracle and Oracle RAC, when selected, the backup data will be displayed as individual database tables during the browse operation. This option is visible only when you perform browse for a backup for a table-level subclient. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

Browse/Restore Directory Server data from Database (ntds.dit/adamntds.dit) file

For Active Directory Offline Mining, enter the path to the database from which you want to restore directory server data.

For Active Directory Server databases, this file will be the ntds.dit file.

For ADAM and Lightweight Server databases, this file will be the adamntds.dit file.

Click Browse to locate the database or enter the complete database path in the File Path box.

Browse Data from SQL

Specifies that SharePoint documents can be mined from an offline mining database. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

SQL Instance

For SharePoint Offline mining, specifies the SQL instance that is associated with the offline mining database. Click ... to select from a list or type the instance name.

Content Database

For SharePoint Offline mining, specifies the Content Database that will be used to mine SharePoint documents. Click ... to select from a list or type the Content Database name.

Name Pattern

For Active Directory backup sets or jobs, you can enter terms to filter the search results. Wildcards are supported. This option is not available for Find operations at the subclient level.

SQL Granular Browse

Select this option to initiate recovery point creation. This will be used later to perform granular-level restore.

View Content

Opens a tab for the CommServe computer that displays the content that is available for restore.

List Media

Opens the Media dialog box and displays the location of media where you can restore.

Browse and Restore Options (Advanced Options)

Use this dialog to access additional browse capabilities for the browse window. These settings will only impact supported agents residing on the client.

Show Deleted Items

This option is also referred as Image/No-Image Browse. Specifies whether the operation browses all the data (including deleted items) secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse times. When a time range is selected for the browse operation, a no-image browse is performed, and all deleted files across cycles are shown. This option is not supported by all agents. See Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

The main difference between image browse and no-image browse is that deleted items are shown only by no-image browse.

Keep in mind that the display of deleted items depends on whether full backup transparency is enabled. If full backup transparency is disabled (the default), only those deleted items that existed back through the most recent full backup are shown. However, if full backup transparency is enabled, the deleted items shown includes those that existed during the time interval from initial index creation through the time being browsed.

Include Troubleshooting Folders

For all Exchange-based agents, enabling this options restores job-based metadata that the client populated for this job.

For Notes Database Agents, enabling this option restores the transaction logs when data is browsed at the instance level.

For Windows File System Agents, you can view and restore files that are hidden by the operating system. For more information, see Using a Browse and Restore Operation to View Hidden Files.

Browse from copy precedence

This option is available if you open the dialog box when you browse the data of an incremental or differential job for Exchange database backup jobs from the Backup Job History for Client tab.

  • When the option is selected (it is selected by default), the data that starts from the last full backup to the selected incremental or differential backup appears in the pane on the right.

  • When the option is not selected, only the data for the selected incremental or differential job appears in the right pane.

  • When the option and the Include Troubleshooting Folders check box are both selected, all metadata folders appear.

Browse starting from last FULL job

This option is available if you open the dialog box when you browse the data of an incremental or differential job for Exchange database backup jobs from the Backup Job History for Client tab.

  • When the option is selected (it is selected by default), the data that starts from the last full backup to the selected incremental or differential backup appears in the pane on the right.

  • When the option is not selected, only the data for the selected incremental or differential job appears in the right pane.

  • When the option and the Include Troubleshooting Folders check box are both selected, all metadata folders appear.

Starting Path

The starting point for the browse operation, such as C:\Workfare\.

Page Size

Specifies the number of objects to be displayed in the browse window. You can browse through each page list by selecting the appropriate page number in the Restore window. Once the default is changed, it uses the same page size which was used in previous browse request until changed again.

Use MediaAgent

Data can be restored from any compatible library and drive type in the CommCell. By default, the system automatically identifies and restores data from any configured library in the CommCell, even if the media is not available in the original library in which the data protection operation was performed. This option allows you to select the MediaAgent associated with the data you want to browse. However, by default Any MediaAgent option is selected.

Use Proxy

Applies to: Block-Level Subclients

Select the MediaAgent where you want to mount the snapshot for Live Browse operations. By default, the client computer where the block level backup runs is selected as the proxy MediaAgent.

Use iSCSI Server

Applies to: Block-Level Subclients

Select the iSCSI Server that maps the iSCSI LUNs to the proxy MediaAgent. The iSCSI server and the proxy MediaAgent must be running the same operating system.

File Recovery Enabler for Linux (only applicable for VMware Virtual Server Agent)

Select a File Recovery Enabler for Linux to be used for Live File Recovery.

By default, Live File Recovery uses the default File Recovery Enabler for the VMware instance. You can override that setting by entering a value here; but in that case you must select the same File Recovery Enabler from the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog (Advanced | Data Path tab | Use File Recovery Enabler for Linux list).


For SQL Server, specifies whether to browse individual databases.

File/File Group

Specifies whether to browse file groups and files for the databases. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

Restore Options (Filter)

Use this dialog to add filters to your browse results. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.


Allows specifying different parameters for filtering the browse results. Click Add to select from a list of available filters.

File-System-Based Filters

These options are available only to File System agents.

File name

Enables viewing files with specified name pattern.


You can use wildcard characters to match specific file name patterns. During a browse operation, the file that matches the name pattern you provided are listed in the Browse window.

For more information on supported wildcards, see Wildcards for Windows File System.

Modified Date

Enables viewing the file as per specified modification date.

File Size

Enables viewing files of specified size range in KB, MB or GB.

Stubbed Object

Enables viewing the stubbed files that were backed up.


Enables filtering content with specific wordings. This filter will work only if the Content Indexing Engine is installed and a Content Indexing job has been run after the last backup job.

Object Type

Allows specifying the type of item to show in the browse results. The supported values are file, folder and stub.

File Path

Enter the complete path in the File Path box. You can browse and restore files that reside in the specified path.

Examples of file path:

File path



No search results


Displays files and folders (up to one level)


Displays files and folders recursively

Deleted Time

You can browse or restore files based on the file's deletion time.

Exchange-Based Filters


Enables filtering e-mails from specific senders, e.g.


Enables filtering e-mails sent to specific senders, e.g.


Enables filtering e-mails sent with a specific subject. You can enter the subject of the mail in Subject box.


Enables filtering e-mails sent with some level of importance. Select the importance priority from the list.

Mail Size

Enables filtering e-mails of specific size. Select from the list of available operators.

Received Time

Enables filtering e-mails received on specific day or days. You can use this filter to include mails based on its receiving attributes, select the attribute from the list.

Has Attachments

Enables filtering e-mails with or without attachments.

  • Select Has Attachments check box to backup mails with attachments.

  • Clear Has Attachments check box to backup mails without any attachments

Folder Path

Enables filtering e-mails that reside in a specific folder on the mailbox. Enter a Folderpath in the given text area to backup emails belonging to that folder.

Attachment Name

Enables filtering e-mails with specific attachments with a name. You can specify the name of the attachment in the given text area.


Enables filtering e-mails that have some category specified within the mailbox, e.g. "Red", this would filter all mails with Red category specified within the mailbox.


Enables filtering e-mails with specific wordings in the body. This filter will work only if the Content Indexing Engine is installed and a Content Indexing job has been run after the last backup job.

Stubbed Email

Enables filtering and including stubbed e-mails or only show stubbed e-mails in a mailbox.

Restore Options (Virtual Server)

This section provides the facility to select the type of restore you want to perform following the Browse operation. This option is not supported by all agents. Refer to Browse Data - Support for a complete listing of agents that support this option.

Individual Files/Folders

Select this option if you intend on performing a file/folder-level restore.

Entire Volume

Select this option if you intend on performing a volume-level restore.

Container Restore

Select this option if you intend on performing a disk-level restore.

Advanced Restore Options (Browse Options)

Use this dialog box to specify advanced restore options.

Restore Deleted Items

Specifies that the restore/recovery operation will include data that was secured during all backup/archive operations, including deleted items.

Specify Time Range

Specifies to restore/recover data within a specified time zone and time threshold. Select the checkbox to enable this option. Clearing the checkbox disables this option. If this option is enabled, set the following parameters:

  • Time Zone: restores/recovers only those jobs within a specified time zone. Click the pull-down list and click the desired time zone.

  • Start Time: displays the start time for the restore/recovery operation. Click the pull-down arrow and click a date; use the up and down arrows to specify a time.

  • End Time: displays the end time for the restore/recovery operation. Click the pull-down arrow and click a date; use the up and down arrows to specify a time.