OpenStack Object Storage


Use this dialog box to add (or modify) OpenStack Object Storage as a storage target.



Additional Information


The name of the Cloud library.

Device Name

A unique device name generated by the system when the library is added.


Select OpenStack Object Storage from the list.


The name of the MediaAgent to which the device is attached. Select a MediaAgent from the list to add to the cloud storage device. The list contains the names of all the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell.

Access Information

Add the credentials and other details required to access the cloud storage space.

Service Host

The URL of the host providing the cloud storage service. (Commvault transfers data using HTTPS protocol to the service host.)

  • The service host provider name must be provided in the following format:

    Syntax: <IP Address>:<Port_Number>/auth/v1.0


  • However, if you use Keystone Identity Server, the server host provider name must be provided in the following format:

    Syntax: <IP Address>:<Port_Number>/v2.0


  • Based on the region, the service host provider name must be provided in the following format:

    Syntax: /auth/v1.0@<regionName>


  • However, if you use Keystone Identity Server, then based on the region, the server host provider name must be provided in the following format:

    Syntax: <IP Address>:<Port_Number>/v2.0@<regionName>


  • If SSL is not supported, then use the following format:

    Syntax: http://<hostname/IP>:<Port_Number>

  • For Fujitsu Enterprise Cloud Service K5 the host URL is identity server URL.



For V3, version 3.4 (and above) are supported.


Select a pre-defined credential from the list.

To define a new credential, click the Add New button from the list. The following information is required.

  • Credential Name: An user-defined name for the credential.

  • Username: User name for the account.

  • API Key: The API key for the account.

  • The user name must be provided in this format:

    v1 <user name>

    v2 <tenant name>:<user name>

    v3 <domain name>:<project name>:<user name>

  • For Fujitsu Enterprise Cloud Service K5 the user name must be provided in the following format:



Click the Detect button to detect an existing container.

Sometimes, existing containers may not get populated while detecting the containers. In such cases, type the name of the existing container that you want to use. The system will automatically use the existing container if it is available.

Use Internal URLs

Enable to use an Internal URL.


Enable to specify a region.

Best Practices

SwiftStack Object Storage - Performance

The performance of SwiftStack Object Storage reads is better when multiple mount paths are created instead of one single mount path.

Therefore, depending on the estimated Front-End Terabyte (FET) capacity in your environment, create a mount path for every 25 terabyte (TB) of data. For example if the estimation is 100 TB, then create 4 mount paths.

For SwiftStack Object Storage, each mount path should use a different container.

In addition, make sure that the Spill and Fill Mount Paths option is enabled in the Library Properties. This setting will help to distribute the objects across different partitions in the container, making the retrieval of the objects faster. For more information on this option, see Parameters for Mount Path Usage.