Optimizing the Deduplicated Database (DDB) Pruning (Garbage Collection)


You can use the Convert DDB To V5 workflow to configure the Garbage Collection feature, which optimizes DDB performance by reducing DDB disk IO during data pruning.


  • You must upgrade Version 10 DDBs to use the Garbage Collection feature.

  • You cannot use the Garbage Collection feature with transactional DDB.

How Does it Work?

This workflow automates the following operations:

  • Runs DDB compaction on the DDB MediaAgents.

  • Configures the Garbage Collection feature.

Before You Begin

  • Upgrade the following to service pack 14 or a more recent release:

    • Data mover MediaAgent

    • Deduplication database MediaAgents

    • Commserve server

    For information about upgrading, see: Upgrades.


    While the workflow runs, the DDB is put into maintenance mode, and jobs that require interaction with the DDB go into a pending state.

  • Verify that there are no DDB backups running to the DDB store.


  1. Wait for the completion of any running jobs for storage policies that use the DDB that you plan to convert. Otherwise, to suspend the jobs, perform the following steps:

    1. Create a list of all the storage policies associated with the DDB.

    2. On the ribbon in the CommCell Console, click the Home tab, and then click Job Controller.

    3. From the Job Controller window, click the Storage Policies column to view the list of jobs that are associated with a specific storage policy.

    4. To suspend a job, right-click the job, and then click Suspend.

    5. Suspend jobs for all the storage policies in the list.

  2. To convert the deduplication databases to V5, execute the Convert DDB To V5 workflow.

  3. Resume the suspended jobs and monitor for any issues. To resume the jobs, perform the following steps:

    1. Create a list of all the storage policies associated with the DDB.

    2. On the ribbon in the CommCell Console, click the Home tab, and then click Job Controller.

    3. From the Job Controller window, click the Storage Policies column to view the list of jobs that are associated with a specific storage policy.

    4. To resume a suspended job, right-click the job, and then click Resume.

    5. Resume jobs for all the storage policies in the list.


After the workflow completes successfully, the registered email administrator receives an email to confirm the operation.