Oracle Archive Data Preview (Online Help)


This dialog box displays the following information:

  1. The rows that will be archived after clicking the Preview button on the Archive Options for Subclient dialog box.

  2. The search results for archived data prior to a restore.

Each page displays up to 100 archived table rows.


Go to the previous page of data.


Go to the next page of data.

1, 2, 3

Go to the specific page.

Table Menu icon (double arrow that points down) after the last column heading on the right side.

  • Auto resize the selected or all columns.

  • Add a horizontal scroll to view all table columns.

  • Save the data as a tab separated CSV file.

  • Email the data as a file.

  • Print the data.

  • Find a string in the tables.

  • Filter the column heading name.

  • Group the data by a specified column.