Outlook Add-In Packages


Outlook Add-In is available in different packages to help you and your end users access archived Microsoft Outlook messages and attachments. Choose the package that best suits your business requirements.



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Outlook Add-In

Outlook Add-In provides your end users with the ability to view or download email messages that were archived from their mailboxes.

Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer

Outlook Add-In with ContentStore Email Viewer provides end users direct access to archived email messages from within the ContentStore by displaying a virtual folder view of the entire set of content.

Outlook Add-In with ContentStore and Edge Attachment Store

Outlook Add-In with ContentStore and Edge Attachment Store provides end users with the ability to include large attachments to their email messages. When you use this version of the Outlook Add-In, attachments in email messages are uploaded to the ObjectStore. Instead of delivering the attachment with the email messages, the messages include a link to the attachments that are located in the ObjectStore. Previews of messages are available whether or not the messages are content indexed.

Version 11

Version 11