Performing a DB2 Restore on a Restore Only Client


You can perform a restore operation on a restore-only client.

Before You Begin

Perform the following prior to performing a restore on a restore-only client.

  • Back up the database on a source client which has a full license. When a component is installed on a client computer in restore-only mode, the license for that component will not be consumed and you will be able to use that client only as a destination for restoring backed up data that is residing on a different computer. You cannot perform backup operations on that client computer. See Installing Restore Only Agents for more information on installing a restore-only client.

  • Install the DB2 agent in regular mode on the target client.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client>

  2. Right-click the DB2, point to All Tasks, and then click Release License.

  3. Click Yes to release the license.

  4. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > DB2 >instance.

  5. Right-click the backup_set, point to All Tasks, and then click Browse and Restore.

  6. Select Latest Backup and click View Content.

  7. Select the database and click Recover All Selected.

    The Restore Options dialog box appears.

  8. On the Recover Database tab, clear the Recover DB check box.

  9. On the Restore Arguments tab, in the Backup Images area, choose an option for selecting backup images:

    • To let the Commvault software select the latest backup images or the latest point-in-time backup images, based on the choice you made on the Time Range tab on the Browse and Restore dialog box, choose Auto Pick Backup Images.

    • To manually select a cycle of backup images, choose Select Backup Images. Select the images from the Available Images box, and then click > to move the selected images to the Selection box.

  10. On the Restore Options dialog box, navigate to the General tab.

  11. On the Restore to Disk dialog box, select the backup job to restore to a disk. Right click on the job and select Restore to Disk. Select multiple backup jobs at a time and restore them to disk.

  12. On the Restore Options dialog box, navigate to the General tab.

    Select the target client/DB2 instance name from the Target Database Name list.

    In the Target Database Path, type the location of the target database/tablespaces. Alternatively, click Browse to select the path.

  13. Click OK.

Restoring from a DB2 Backup Copy

You can use a backup copy to restore the database or logs. You specify the copy by using the precedence number that is associated with the copy.

The copy precedence that you use for the restore depends on whether you want to restore the data, or the data and the log files.

You must select the appropriate copy in order to have the job succeed. For example, if you want to restore the log files, and you select a data-only copy, the job fails.

If you want to restore the data and the log files, then select a data copy. The system restores the data from the copy, and pulls the files from a different copy.

If you want to perform a point-in-time restore, then select a data-only copy.

If you want to restore logs, then select a data and log files copy, or a log files copy.

You can select a copy precedence on the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, Copy Precedence tab, Restore from copy precedence box. For more information, see Advanced Restore Options (Copy Precedence).