Performing a No-Loss Recovery Operation of the CommServe Host


In some situations like hardware refresh, it may be essential to perform an up-to-date backup of the CommServe host without losing any activity. The following procedure outlines the steps to perform a 'no loss' backup and recovery of a CommServe host.


Step 1: Suspend all running jobs.
  1. From the Job Controller, right-click and then click Multi-Job Control.

  2. Click Suspend.

  3. Click All Jobs.

  4. Click OK.

Step 2: Disable activities and schedules.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe and select Properties.

  2. On the Activity Control tab, clear ALL check boxes except the following:

    • Enable All Job Activity

    • Enable Data Management

  3. Click OK.

Step 3: Perform a Disaster Recovery (DR) Backup.

For more information on performing DR Backups, see Performing Disaster Recovery (DR) Backups.

Step 4: Stop Services.

From the CommServe host:

  1. Click Start and point to All Programs.

  2. Click Commvault > Process Manager.

  3. Under the Services tab, right-click a running service and then click Stop.

  4. A message appears that asks if you want to stop the services.

  5. Click Yes.

See Controlling Services on Windows for additional information.

Step 5: Rename the existing databases.

Rename the existing databases in the production CommServe host as follows:

Step 6: Restore the DR backups in a new host, using the Recovery Assistant Tool.

For more information on recovering DR Backups using the Recovery Assistant Tool, see Recovery Using the Recovery Assistant Tool.

Step 7: Restart Services.
  1. Click Start and point to All Programs.

  2. Click Commvault > Process Manager.

  3. Under the Services tab, right-click a stopped service and then click Start.

    See Starting a Service for additional information.

Step 8: Enable all activities and schedules.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe and select Properties.

  2. On the Activity Control tab, select ALL check boxes to enable activities and schedules.

  3. Click OK.

Step 9: Resume all jobs.
  1. From the Job Controller, right-click and then click Multi-Job Control.

  2. Click Resume.

  3. Click All Jobs.

  4. Click OK.