Pre-Install Business Logic Workflow for Client Registrations


The Pre-Install Business Logic Workflow is a predefined business logic workflow that appends the organization name, client owner, and/or a custom string to the client name, host name, and display name of client whenever a client is registered.

The workflow is automatically executed after a user installs the Commvault software on a new client.


The workflow is not automatically executed when installing the Commvault software in the following situations:

  • Adding packages to existing clients

  • Installing service pack updates

  • Repairing clients or reinstalling the Commvault software

Download this workflow from the Commvault Store and then deploy it. See Download Workflows from Commvault Store and Deploying a Workflow.

You can use the Pre-Install Business Logic Workflow as a reference model (or template) to help you create your own business logic workflow. However, you can only enable one Pre-Install Business Logic Workflow in your CommCell environment at a time.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click the Pre Install Business Logic workflow, and then click Properties.

  3. From the Configuration tab, select the following options to modify the client name, host name, and client display name:

    • Append Organization name to Client Name

    • Append Organization name to Client Name and Host Name

    • Append custom string at the end of Client Name

      If you select this option, enter the custom string in the Custom String field. The client name will be modified as <client name>_<custom string>. For example, if the client name is abc and the customer string is xyz, the new client name will be abc_xyz.

    • Append Client Owner to Client Name

      If you select this option, the client name will be modified as <client name>_<client owner>. For example, if the client name is abc and the client owner is admin, the new client name will be abc_admin.


      If you select to both append a custom string and append the client owner to the client name, the client name will be modified as <client name>_<client owner>_<customer string>. Using the examples above, the client name abc would be modified to abc_admin_xyz.

    • Use modified Client Name as the client display name

  4. Click OK.