When you create a new instance, use this tab to add the details of the instance.
For an existing instance, use this tab to view or change the details of the selected instance.
Connect String
Specifies the database connect string. You can change the database connect string by entering 1) database user ID, 2) password for the user ID @ 3) Oracle service name in the three spaces provided. The user ID must have SYSDBA privileges.
Alternatively, instead of the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, you can create less powerful user IDs with the following object privileges:
You can create a user ID with these privileges, or you can use the internal user ID.
Use Catalog Connect
When selected, a connection is established between the target database and the Recovery Catalog database using the specified connect string, and the Recovery Catalog database will be used for backups.
When cleared, there will be no connection between the target database and the Recovery Catalog database, and the target database Control Files will be used for backups.
The three fields are used to identify/create the connect string for the Recovery Catalog database. You can change the connect string by using entering 1) Recovery Catalog database user ID, 2) password for the user ID @ Recovery Catalog service name.
Identifies the path to the TNS Admin directory. If a value is not provided, a default value is created by appending the path \network\admin to the path of the $ORACLE_HOME directory, such as, if $ORACLE_HOME is \opt2\oracle, then TNS_ADMIN is \opt2\oracle\network\admin.
Click to establish or change the designated TNS_ADMIN directory.
Disable RMAN cross check
Specifies that RMAN cross check will not be performed between the CommServe database and the RMAN catalog during a data aging operation.
Ctrl File Autobackup
Specifies whether to configure the control file for AUTOBACKUP so that every time a BACKUP or COPY command is executed in RMAN, an autobackup of the control file is performed. To change the configuration setting, select one of the following entries from the list:
Not Configure - Disables autobackup of the control file.
Configure On - If the backup includes a datafile, then RMAN will not automatically include the current control file in the datafile backupset, but will write the control file and server parameter file to a separate autobackup piece. If the backup does not include a datafile, the control file and server parameter file will be written to their own autobackup piece.
Configure Off - If the backup includes a datafile, then RMAN automatically includes the current control file and server parameter file in the datafile backupset. RMAN will not create a separate autobackup piece containing the control file and server parameter file.
Block Size
Use this space to specify the block size for backup and restore operations on the selected instance. You can disable the block size specification by setting the value to 0. In such cases, the default RMAN block size value will be used for backup and restore operations.