Pruning Deduplication Database Backup Jobs of a Sealed DDB


The deduplication database (DDB) backup does not backup a DDB after it has been sealed. When a DDB is sealed, all existing DDB backup jobs containing the sealed DDB are retained indefinitely.

You can allow pruning of sealed DDB backup jobs by disabling the Retain DDB Backups for sealed stores option.


  1. On the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Storage tab, and then click Media Management.

  2. Click the Data Aging tab.

  3. In the Retain DDB Backups of sealed stores box, type 0 to allow pruning of DDB backup jobs of the sealed DDB.

  4. Click OK.


When the Retain DDB Backups of sealed stores option is disabled, the next Data Aging job will prune the DDB backup jobs of the sealed DDB.