Restoring Files from Block-Level Backups


You can browse and select the files and folders to restore from a backup copy on disk media or from a snapshot copy. Perform file-level restores when restoring a portion of files or folders on the volume. For more information about block-level backups, see Block-Level Backups.

As the underlying volumes are backed up as blocks at the time of block-level backups, the blocks that correspond to the selected data are automatically recalled to the staging folder and the files are restored to the specified destination. File-level restores use a pseudo-mount disk that represents a point-in-time image of the backed up data.

Before You Begin


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers> client > File System > backup_set.

  2. Right-click the appropriate subclient, and then click Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, click the Advanced Options tab.

  4. Optional: If you want to browse using a specific backup copy, on the Advanced Options tab, select the Browsefromcopyprecedence check box, and specify the precedence number to browse from the backup copy.

  5. Optional: If you want to select a specific MediaAgent, then from the Use MediaAgent list, select the MediaAgent associated with the data you want to browse.

  6. Click View Content.

    A live browse using the pseudo-mount device is initiated irrespective of whether the CreateFilelevelIndexduringbackup option was selected during backup.


    Then for a backup copy

    Then for a snapshot copy

    Create File level Index during backup option was selected during backup

    A browse from the index is initiated.

    A browse from the index is initiated.

    Create File level Index during backup option was not selected during backup

    A live browse using the pseudo-mount disk is initiated.

    A live browse using the snapshot is initiated.

  7. Select the file or folder that you want to restore, and then click Recover All Selected.

  8. For out-of-place restores, in the RestoreOptionsforAllSelectedItems dialog box, clear the Restore to same folder check box.

  9. From the Destination Client list, select the destination client.

  10. In the Specify Destination Path box, enter the destination location for restore.

    Alternatively, click Browse to navigate and select the destination location.

  11. Click OK.


To view the total number of objects that were restored, review the job details.