Restoring Full Virtual Machines


You can restore one or more virtual machines (VMs) at a time. Virtual machines can be restored in place (overwriting the source virtual machines) or out of place (to a different protection domain or container).

Before You Begin

  • When a VM is added to subclient content or to a filter by browsing and selecting the VM display name, discovery is performed based on the GUID for that VM. If that VM is later restored in place from a backup, a new GUID is generated, and that WM is no longer identified correctly. To identify that VM, you must remove the old rule, then add a new rule or use a name pattern to select the VM.

  • You can back up and restore a virtual machine that contains the File Recovery for Linux, but you cannot recover files from the virtual machine.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > Nutanix AHV > backup_set.

  2. Initiate the restore from a subclient or backup set:

    • From a subclient: Right-click the subclient and select Browse and Restore.

    • From a backup set: Right-click the backup set, point to All Tasks, and click Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, ensure that Full Virtual Machine is selected and click View Content.

  4. From the list of backed up virtual machines, select one or more virtual machines to be restored and click Recover All Selected.

  5. The Restore VM wizard launches and displays the Destination page.

  6. Specify the destination and the proxy to be used for the restore.

    By default, VMs are restored in place to the original location for the source VM, and the restore is performed using the preferred VSA proxy for the virtualization client.

    • In Place: Clear this check box to restore to a new location.

    • Virtualization Client: To restore to a different Nutanix AHV cluster, select the virtualization client from the list and select a VSA proxy that is available on the destination cluster.

      To add a new client, click Select New Nutanix AHV Cluster, and then enter the cluster name or the virtual IP address for the Nutanix AHV cluster and the user credentials.

    • Instance Details: This area displays the IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the Controller VM for the Nutanix cluster and the user account specified for the virtualization client.

    • Proxy Client: By default, the VSA proxy that performed the backup is used for the restore. If you change this value, the proxy client must reside on the destination cluster.

  7. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Virtual Machines page.

  8. For an out-of-place restore, specify parameters for the restore:

    • VM and Disk: This column shows the source virtual machines. Expand a virtual machine to view the disks in that virtual machine.

    • Change VM display name to: Enter a new display name for the virtual machine.

    • Container: To specify a different storage location for a disk, click in the row for the disk and then select a new container from the list.

      If necessary, you can select a different container for each virtual machine disk.

      To exclude a disk from the restore, select Do Not Attach.

    • To change other settings, select one or more virtual machines, and then click Configure in the last column.

      The Nutanix AHV VM Options dialog box appears.

      Make the following changes:

      • VM Display Name: If you selected a single VM, you can enter a new display name for the restored VM.

      • Edit Destination VM Name: If you selected multiple VMs, you can select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to be appended to the display names for all selected VMs.

      • Protection Domain: Select a new protection domain.

      • Network Settings: If you selected a single VM, you can select a network adapter that is available at the destination from the VLAN ID list.

        If you do not select a value for VLAN ID, the VM is restored without a network adapter.

        If the specified network adapter does not exist at the destination location, or if you select a network that has the Nutanix IP Management feature enabled, the restore completes but the VM is restored without that network adapter.

      • Click OK to save and close the Nutanix AHV VM Options dialog box.

  9. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Restore Options page.

  10. Optional: Select restore options:

    • Power ON Virtual Machine after Restore: Select this check box to start the virtual machine automatically after the restore is complete.

    • Unconditionally Overwrite VM with the same name: Select this check box to overwrite any existing virtual machines with the same names in the target location.

  11. Click Next.

    The wizard displays the Job Options page.

  12. Run the job immediately or configure a schedule for the restore.

  13. Click Next.

    The wizard displays a Summary page for the restore.

  14. Click Finish to submit the restore job.