Restoring Oracle RAC Control and SP Files


Control and SP files are required to recover a database to the current state. Restoring a control/sp file is useful in the following scenarios:

  • If you want to restore the backup repository contained in the control file when the Control file is lost.

  • If the recovery catalog is lost.

  • If the recovery catalog was never used.

  • If the catalog connect string is not specified for the instance during the backup.

Place the database in NOMOUNT mode when you restore the control/sp files.


The database remains in NOMOUNT mode after the restore.

The Commvault software uses OS authentication (/) and not the connect string for control and sp file restores. You can use the connect string in place of OS authentication. For more information see Using the Connect String Instead of OS Authentication to Connect to the Oracle RAC Database.

When you restore control files, be sure to select only one node for the restore. During control file restores, Oracle puts the database in a state where other processes may not be able to access the database. Therefore, if you select more than one node, the job may fail if the database is inaccessible by all the nodes. Make sure to bring all the RAC instances offline except on the client configured in CommCell when you restore a Control/SP file.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client.

  2. Right-click the instance, point to All Tasks and then click Browse and Restore.

  3. Select Latest Backup and click View Content.

  4. Optional: Use non-default Browse and Restore options. See Browse and Restore.

  5. In the right pane of the CommCell Browser window, select all the database, and click Recover All Selected.

  6. Depending on the type of restore to be run, click Restore in place or Restore out of place, and then click Next.

    The Oracle In Place Restore Options or Oracle Out of Place Restore Options dialog box appears.

  7. To restore the latest backup to the same location, on the Oracle Restore Options dialog box, select the Restore Control File check box and click OK.

  8. For all other restore options, on the Restore Options dialog box, select the Restore Control File and Restore SP Files check boxes and click Advanced.

    The Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

  9. On the Ctrl & SP Files tab, select the Restore Control File and Restore From check boxes.

  10. Select the method to use when restoring the control file.

    Restore the control file to the latest backup

    In the Restore Control File and Restore SP File sections, select the Restore From check box, and select the From autobackup option.

    Restore the control file to a specific backup piece

    In the Restore Control File and Restore SP File sections, select the Restore From check box, and select the From Backup piece option and then type the autobackup piece name in the box.

    Obtain the backup piece value from the RMAN logs of an offline backup job.

    Restore the control file to a point-in-time
    1. On the Ctrl & SP Files tab in the Restore Control File and Restore SP File sections, select the To Point-in-Time check box and type the data and time.

    2. On the Options tab, in the Time Zone box, select the time zone of the client computer.

      This is required when the client time zone is different than the CommServe computer's time zone.

  11. To restore the control file to a new location, on the Ctrl & SP Files tab in the Restore Control File section, select the Restore SP File As check box and enter the path in the box.

  12. To set the Commvault software to automatically move the database to the correct mode before the restore, select the Switch Database Mode for Restore check box.

  13. On the Stream tab, in the Stream column, specify the number of streams to use for each Oracle RAC instance.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click OK to start the restore.