Scheduling - Advanced


Modifying a Schedule

Schedules can be modified.

Use the following steps to modify an existing schedule:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity, and then click View > Schedules.

    For a list of entities that support schedules, see Viewing Job Schedules.

  2. In the Schedules window, right-click the schedule and click Edit.

  3. In the Schedule Pattern tab, select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, assume that the schedule was configured to run daily. Use the following steps to change it to a weekly schedule:

    1. Click Weekly.

    2. In the Start Time box, enter 9:00 PM.

    3. In the On these days section, select the days you want the run the job.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting a Schedule

Schedules can be deleted.

Use the following steps to delete an existing schedule:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity, and then click View > Schedules.

    For a list of entities that support schedules, see Viewing Job Schedules.

  2. In the Schedules window, right-click the schedule and click Delete.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Using a Custom Calendar for Scheduling

Custom calendars can be used to create monthly and yearly schedules. For example:

  • A monthly schedule for a custom calendar that defines months that are 32 days long runs every 32 days, starting on the starting day of the month as defined in the custom calendar.

  • A yearly schedule runs based on the yearly number of days defined in the custom calendar.


If the Daily or Weekly schedule is associated with a custom calendar, then the days that appear for the selection while creating an exception will match the days of the month selected in the custom calendar.

The following sections describe how to create schedules using a custom calendar.

Before You Begin

Create a custom calendar.


As an example, use the following steps to schedule a File System backup that uses a custom calendar. You can associate the custom calendar to any other operation that you can schedule.

  1. Right-click the File System subclient and click Backup.

    The Backup Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  3. In the Schedule Name box, type a name for the schedule.

  4. In the left pane, click Monthly or Yearly and enter the details for the schedule.

    For information on the schedule options, see Schedule Pattern or Schedule Details.

  5. From the Calendar list, select the customized calendar.

  6. Click OK.

Creating Schedules Using Time Zones

When your CommCell is spread across several time zones, you can schedule jobs to run using one of the following time zones:

  • CommServe time zone

  • Client computer time zones

  • Specific time zone

The following sections describe how to create schedules using these time zone.

Schedule Jobs Using the CommServe Time Zone

Jobs can be scheduled to run on the CommServe time zone. For example:

A job schedule configured to run on the first Monday of every month at 4:00 PM on the CommServe computer's time zone will run as follows for the associated clients in 3 different time zones:


Time Zone

Local time for the schedule

CommServe: New York

Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM EST

Client Computer A: Chicago

Central Standard Time (US & Canada)

3:00 PM CST

Client Computer B: Salt Lake City

Mountain Standard Time (US & Canada)

2:00 PM MST

Client Computer C: Los Angeles

Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada)

1:00 PM PST

Use the following steps to schedule jobs based on CommServe time zone:

  1. In the CommCell Console, perform the operation that you want to run. For example, navigate to a subclient and perform a backup:

    1. Right-click the subclient and then click Backup.

    2. Select the backup options.

    3. Select Schedule and then click Configure.

    Some other CommCell operations have the Schedule option in the Job Initiation tab. Click this tab to schedule the job.

  2. From the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

  3. Type 04:00 PM in the Start Time box.

  4. Click Monthly.

  5. Click to select On the First Monday.

  6. Click the Options button.

  7. In the Time Zone box, select CommServe Time Zone and click OK.

  8. Click OK to close the Schedule Details box.


Schedule Jobs Using a Client Computer Time Zone

Jobs can be scheduled to run based on the time zone associated with the client computers. For example:

A job schedule associated with 3 clients, spread across 3 different time zones and configured to run on the first Monday of every month at 4:00 PM will run as follows:


Time Zone

Local time for the schedule

CommServe: New York

Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM EST

Client Computer A: Chicago

Central Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM CST

Client Computer B: Salt Lake City

Mountain Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM MST

Client Computer C: Los Angeles

Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM PST

Use the following steps to schedule jobs based on client computer's time zone:

  1. In the CommCell Console, perform the operation that you want to run. For example, navigate to a subclient and perform a backup:

    1. Right-click the subclient and then click Backup.

    2. Select the backup options.

    3. Select Schedule and then click Configure.

    Some other CommCell operations have the Schedule option in the Job Initiation tab. Click this tab to schedule the job.

  2. From the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

  3. Type 04:00 PM in the Start Time box.

  4. Click Monthly.

  5. Click to select On the First Monday.

  6. Click the Options button.

    The Advanced Schedule Options dialog box appears.

  7. From the Time Zone list, select Client Time Zone.

  8. Click OK to close the Schedule Details box.


Schedule Jobs Using a Specific Time Zones

Jobs can be scheduled to run on the associated client computers based on a specific time zone. For example:

A job schedule associated with 3 clients, spread across 3 different time zones and configured to run on the first Monday of every month at 4:00 PM Mountain Standard Time will run as follows:


Time Zone

Local time for the schedule

CommServe: New York

Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)

6:00 PM EST

Client Computer A: Chicago

Central Standard Time (US & Canada)

5:00 PM CST

Client Computer B: Salt Lake City

Mountain Standard Time (US & Canada)

4:00 PM MST

Client Computer C: Los Angeles

Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada)

3:00 PM PST

Use the following steps to schedule jobs based specific time zone:

  1. In the CommCell Console, perform the operation that you want to run. For example, navigate to a subclient and perform a backup:

    1. Right-click the subclient and then click Backup.

    2. Select the backup options.

    3. Select Schedule and then click Configure.

    Some other CommCell operations have the Schedule option in the Job Initiation tab. Click this tab to schedule the job.

  2. From the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

  3. Type 04:00 PM in the Start Time box.

  4. Click Monthly.

  5. Click to select On the First Monday.

  6. Click the Options button.

  7. In the Time Zone box, select the desired time zonefor example Central Time (US & Canada) and click Ok.

  8. Click Ok to close the Schedule Details box.


Resubmitting a Scheduled Job

Resubmitting a job from a job schedule allows you to run a job again without re-configuring all the other properties associated with the job. This is particularly helpful when you need to re-run a failed job from one-time schedules, such as scheduled restore jobs.

Use the following steps to resubmit a job from a job schedule:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity, and then click View > Schedules.

    For a list of entities that support schedules, see Viewing Job Schedules.

  2. From the list of displayed schedules, right-click a schedule and then click Resubmit Job.

Manually Running a Schedule

You can manually run a scheduled job at any point of time. This allows you to immediately run a job based on the on pre-defined settings. Use the following steps to manually run a schedule:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the entity, and then click View > Schedules.

    For a list of entities that support schedules, see Viewing Job Schedules.

  2. From the list of displayed schedules, right-click a schedule and click Run Immediately.

  3. Click Yes.

  4. You can view the scheduled job running immediately in the Job Controller.

Job Schedule

The Job Schedule Report provides a list of scheduled operations based on the selected filter conditions. Use the following steps to run a Job Schedule report:

  1. From the CommCell Console menu bar, select the Reports tab, and then click the Schedule button.

  2. In the Report Selection dialog box, select the options to customize the report from the tabs.

  3. Click Run.


You can generate a 'Schedule' alert when a schedule is added, deleted, modified or if a job failed to run as scheduled, or if a user has added, removed, or modified a holiday.

Refer to Schedules for a list of Available Alerts.

Refer to Alerts and Notifications for comprehensive information on setting up Alerts.

Scheduling Jobs

The following sections describe how to schedule different types of jobs.

Schedule Backups

Use the steps given below to schedule a backup job for a subclient.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > agent > backup_set or instance.

  2. Right click the subclient and click Backup.

    The Backup Options for Subclient dialog box appears.

  3. On the Backup Options tab, click Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  4. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, click Weekly and select which days you want to run the backup job.

    For information on the scheduling options, see Scheduling - Online Help.

  5. Click OK.

    The backup job will run as scheduled.

Schedule Restores

Use the steps given below to schedule a restore job for a backup set or an instance. You can use similar steps to schedule a restore job for a subclient.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click a backup_set or instance and click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Click View Content.

  4. Select the data to restore and click Recover All Selected.

    The Restore Options dialog box appears.

  5. On the Job Initiation tab, click Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  6. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, click Weekly and select which days you want to run the restore job.

    For information on the scheduling options, see Scheduling - Online Help.

  7. Click OK.

    The restore job will run as scheduled.

Schedule Restore by Jobs

Use the steps given below to schedule a restore by job for Windows File System agent. You can use similar steps to schedule restore by jobs for other supported agents and Archiving agents.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | Client | File System.

  2. Right-click the Backup set and then click All Task | Restore by Jobs.

  3. Click OK

  4. In the Backup Job History window, right-click the job that you wish to restore and then click Restore Selected Jobs.

    You can also select multiple jobs and then click the Restore Selected Jobs button at the end of the window.

  5. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click the Configure button.

    1. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    3. Type the Start Time to start the schedule.

    4. Click OK.

    The selected job will be restored as per the schedule.


Schedule Archive Jobs

When you schedule an archiving job, data is archived based on the pre-defined in the archiving rules. Hence make sure that the archive rules are setup first before scheduling the archiving job. For details see Configuring Rules for Archiving.

Use the following steps to schedule an archiving job for OnePass for Windows File System. You can use similar steps to schedule archiving jobs for other supported archiving agents.

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | File System | Backupset.

    Right-click the Subclient and click Backup.


  2. Click Schedule to schedule the backup job for a specific time.

    Click Configure to set the schedule for the backup job. The Schedule Details dialog displays.


  3. Select the appropriate scheduling options. For example:

    • Click Weekly.

    • Check the days you want the run the archive job.

    • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM

    • Click OK to close the Schedule Details dialog

    • Click OK to close the Backup Options dialog

    The backup job will execute as per the schedule.


Schedule Archive Recovery

Use the steps given below to schedule a recovery job for OnePass for Windows File System. You can use similar steps to schedule recovery jobs for other supported Archiving Agents.

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | File System | <backupset>.

    Right-click the <backupset> and click All Tasks | Browse and Restore.

    Click View Content.


  2. Select data to restore.

    Click Recover All Selected.


  3. Click Job Initiation tab and click Schedule.

    Click Configure.


  4. Select the appropriate scheduling options. For example:

    • Click Weekly.

    • Check the days you want the run the restore job.

    • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM

    • Click OK to close the Schedule Details dialog

    • Click OK to close the Restore Options dialog

    The restore job will execute as per the schedule.


Schedule Auxiliary Copies

Use the following steps to specify a time based schedule for an auxiliary copy job:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies | Storage Policies.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy, point to All Tasks, and then click Run Auxiliary Copy.

  3. Select the Select A Copy option and select a secondary copy for which you wan to create a schedule.

  4. Click the Job Initiation tab.

  5. Select Schedule and click Configure.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a weekly schedule:

    1. Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Click Weekly.

    3. In the Start Time box type or select the schedule start time.

    4. Click and select the days to run the schedule.

    5. Click OK.

Schedule Data Aging

Use the steps given below to schedule a Data Aging operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, expand All Tasks, and then click Data Aging.

    The Data Aging Options dialog appears.

  2. Under Job Initiation, click Schedule, and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Schedule Name box, enter a unique name for the schedule.

  4. Select Continuous.

  5. Under Job Interval, in the Interval between two jobs box, enter the time interval (in minutes) to start the next job session after the previous job session completes.

    The default time interval is 30 minutes.

  6. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window. When the job is complete, the Job Controller displays Completed.

Schedule Data Verification

Use the steps given below to schedule Data Verification operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies.

    Right-click the storage policy, point to All Tasks and click Run Data Verification.

  2. Select the source MediaAgent in the Source MediaAgent list.

  3. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click the Configure button.

    1. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    3. Type the Start Time to start the schedule.

    4. Click OK.

    The data verification job will execute as per the schedule.


Schedule Disaster Recovery Backups

Use the steps given below to schedule the disaster recovery backups:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe and select All Tasks > Disaster Recovery Backup.

  2. In the General tab of the Disaster Recovery Backup Options dialog box select the one of the following backup type:

    • Full - Back up the entire metadata. By default a Full backup type is selected.

    • Differential - Back up only that data that has changed since the last full backup. This backup is smaller in size and takes less time to complete. You can use this backup to restore the database only if the last full backup is accessible. Use differential backup type if there are limitations in disk space or network bandwidth.

  3. If sufficient space is not available on the CommServe host, to compress the database backup file (*.dmp), select the Enable database(s) backup compression check box.

    Note: Do not select this option for Microsoft SQL Server Express Editions which is installed with the Commvault Express Editions. For example, the Edge Express solution.

  4. Click the Client Selection tab to back up the log files from clients in the CommCell.

  5. Select the Client(s) from the available list of Clients and click OK.

    You can also select MediaAgent clients to back up the log files from MediaAgents. This is useful for troubleshooting purposes, especially in Deduplication configurations.

    For more information on the backup options, see Disaster Recovery Backup Options.

  6. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click the Configure button.

    1. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    3. Type the Start Time to start the schedule.

    4. Click OK.

    The disaster recovery backup will execute as per the schedule.

Schedule Download Updates

Use the steps given below to create a schedule for downloading updates.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <CommServe> node and point to All Tasks | Add/Remove Software | Download Software.


  2. On the Download and Sync Cache Options dialog box, click the Job Initiation tab.

  3. On the Job Initiation tab, click Schedule and then click Configure.


  4. On the Schedule Details dialog box, complete the following steps:

    • Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    • Click Weekly.

    • In the Start Time box, type or select the schedule start time.

    • Click to select the days of the week.

    • Specify Repeat to run the job repeatedly on the day in which the job is scheduled to run.

    • Click Options to configure the advanced options.


  5. On the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box, specify the Range of recurrence, select a Time Zone from the list, and then click OK.


  6. Click OK to close the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box.

  7. On the Download and Sync Cache Options dialog box, click OK to schedule the job.

Schedule Drive Cleaning

Use the steps given below to schedule drive cleaning:

  1. Ensure that a Cleaning Media is available in the Cleaning Media Pool.

  2. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to the Storage Resources | Libraries.

  3. Select the <library> with drives attached, right-click the drive and click Clean Drive.

  4. In the Description field enter a description of the job.

  5. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click the Configure button.

    1. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    3. Type the Start Time to start the schedule.

    4. Click OK.

    The data cleaning job will execute as per the schedule.


Schedule Recovery Point or Consistent Recovery Point Creation

Use the steps given below to schedule recovery point creation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | Continuous Data Replicator.

  2. Right-click the ReplicationSet and the click All Tasks | Create Recovery Points.

  3. Select the appropriate replication options.

  4. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click the Configure button.

    1. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    3. Type the Start Time to start the schedule.

    4. Click OK.

The Recovery Point/Consistent Recovery Point will be created in accordance with the schedule.


Schedule Media Refresh

Use the steps given below to schedule Media Refresh:

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies.

  2. Right-click the desired <Storage_Policy>, point to All Tasks and then click Run Media Refresh.

  3. From the Copy Selection area, select All Copies option to run the job on all copies or select Select A Copy option and then select storage policy copy from the list.

  4. Select the Start New Media check box, to use a new media for the job.

  5. Select the Mark Media Full On Success check box, to seal the media after the refresh job.

  6. Click the Job Initiation tab.

  7. Click Schedule option.

  8. Click the Configure button.

  9. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a weekly schedule:

    1. Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Click Weekly.

    3. In the Start Time box type or select the schedule start time.

    4. Click and select the days to run the schedule.

    5. Click OK.

  10. Click OK.

    The job will be executed as scheduled.


Schedule Installation of Automatic Updates

Follow the steps given below to schedule installation of automatic updates:

  1. Right-click the <CommServe> node in the CommCell Browser and click All Tasks | Add/Remove Software.

    Click Install Updates.


  2. Select the client computers for which you want to schedule the installation of automatic updates.


  3. Select the Reboot Client check box to have the system automatically reboot the client and/or MediaAgent computers if a reboot is required.


  4. Click the Job Initiation tab. Click Schedule and then click the Configure button.


  5. In the Schedule Details dialog box:

    • Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    • Click Weekly.

    • In the Start Time box type or select the schedule start time.

    • Click to select the days of the week.

    • Specify Repeat to run the job repeatedly on the day in which the job is scheduled to run.

    • Click Options to configure the advanced options.


  6. In the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box:

    • Specify Range of recurrence.

    • Select a Time Zone from the dropdown list.

    • Click OK.


Schedule Vault Tracker

Use the steps given below to schedule a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Vault Tracker Policies.

  2. Right-click the <Tracking Policy> in the right pane and click Create Schedule.

  3. In the Schedule Details dialog box, type a name in the Schedule Name box.

  4. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

  5. Click OK.

The tracking policy will run in accordance with the schedule.

Schedule Export Media

Export media operation can be scheduled from the following:

  • Media Library

  • Backup/Archive Jobs

  • Auxiliary Copies

Media Library

Use the steps given below to schedule an export media operation from the library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to the Storage Resources | Libraries.

  2. Right-click the <Library> form which you wish to export media and click Export Media.

  3. Click Yes to select Vault Tracker to track movement of the media and click the Next button.

  4. Verify that Criteria Based is selected and click the Next button.

  5. In the Policy Name box, type a name of the tracking policy and click the Next button.

  6. Select the Storage Policy Copies and click the Next button.

  7. Select the appropriate Media Status, that would be monitored by the policy and click the Next button.

  8. Select the appropriate Criteria, that would be managed by the policy and click the Next button.

  9. Optionally select Track Transit and type the transit location name.

  10. Type or select the name from the Library list and click the Next button.

  11. Click Yes to create a schedule.

  12. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a weekly schedule:

    • Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    • Click Weekly.

    • In the Start Time box type or select the schedule start time.

    • Click and select the days to run the schedule.

  13. Click Finish.

    The Export Media operation will run as per the schedule.


Backup and Archive Jobs

Use the steps given below to schedule an Export Media operation for Windows File System iDataAgent. You can use similar steps to schedule Export Media operation for other supported iDataAgents and Archiving agents.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to <Client> | File System | defaultBackupSet.

  2. Right-click the Subclient and click Backup.

  3. Select the Backup type.

  4. Click Schedule.

  5. Click the Configure button.

  6. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a weekly schedule:

    1. Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Click Weekly.

    3. In the Start Time box type or select the schedule start time.

    4. In the On these days section, select the days to run the schedule.

    5. Click OK.

  7. Click the Advanced button.

  8. In the Vault Tracking tab select Export Media After Job Finishes.

  9. Type or select the location in the Export Location list and click OK.

  10. Click OK.

    The media will be exported after the backup/archive job finishes as per the schedule.


Auxiliary Copies

Use the steps given below to schedule Export Media operation while scheduling Auxiliary Copies:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies, right-click the storage policy and click All Tasks | Create New Copy.

  2. Type the name in Copy Name box.

  3. Select a library from the Library list.

  4. Select a MediaAgent from the MediaAgent list.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Select Custom Schedule.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Select the source MediaAgent from the Source MediaAgent list.

  9. Select the Job Initiation tab and click the Configure button.

    For example, use the following steps to create a one-time schedule:

    1. Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

    2. Click One Time.

    3. Select the date and time.

    4. Click OK.

  10. Click the Advanced button.

  11. In the Vault Tracking tab select Export Media After Job Finishes.

  12. Type or select the location in the Export Location list and click OK.

  13. Click OK.

    The media will be exported after the auxiliary copy is created as per the schedule.


Schedule Erase Media

Use the steps given below to schedule an erase media operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to the Storage Resources | Libraries.

  2. Right-click the <Library> for which you wish to erase spare media and click Erase Spare Media.

  3. On the Job Initiation tab, click Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  4. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, click Weekly and select which days you want to run the erase spare media job.

    For information on the scheduling options, see Scheduling - Online Help.

  5. Click OK.

    The erase spare media job will run as scheduled.

Schedule Reports

By default reports are run immediately. You can also create schedules to run reports. Use the steps given below to schedule a Job Summary report to run Daily at 9 A.M. You can use similar steps to schedule other reports.

  1. In the CommCell Console, select the Reports tab, and then on the ribbon, click the button for the report that you want to schedule.

    The Report Selection dialog box appears.

  2. Configure the report as needed.

  3. In the Report Selection dialog box, click Schedule.

  4. On the Schedule Pattern tab, in the Schedule Name box, enter a name for the schedule.

  5. Select the interval at which you want the report to run: One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

  6. In the Start Time box, type the time of day when you want the report generation to begin.

  7. Under Repeat, specify the exact times and days that you want the report to run.

  8. Click Ok.

Schedule Primary Storage Reports
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Reports > Primary Storage Reports.

  2. Under Primary Storage Reports, navigate to the Primary Storage Report that you want to schedule, and then click on the report name.

    A tab for the report opens in the CommCell Console.

  3. From the Client Selection tab, select a client group or individual computer, and then click Schedule.


  4. From the Add Report Schedule/Action dialog box, select a schedule pattern, enter a schedule name and start time, and then click Next.


  5. Under Report Options, select an output format, enter a location where the scheduled report is saved, and then click Next.


  6. From the Choose Locale list, select the language in which you want the report output to appear, and then click Finish.


Schedule Send Log Files Job

Use the following steps to schedule a send log files operation for a job:

  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Job Controller.

  2. From the Job Controller window, right-click the desired job and then click Send Log Files.

    The Send Log Files dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  4. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For information on the scheduling options, see Schedule Pattern.

  5. Click OK.

You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window of the CommCell Console.

Schedule a Workflow

Use the following steps to schedule a workflow to run at specific times.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click the workflow and click All Tasks > Execute.

  3. From the Run workflow on list, select the engine to execute the workflow and provide the values to the workflow inputs.

    If you select Any, the workflow engine with the latest deployed version of the workflow is used.

  4. On the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  5. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, click Weekly and select which days you want to run the workflow.

    For information on the scheduling options, see Scheduling - Online Help.

  6. Click OK.