Set Global Property Workflow


The Demo_SetGlobalProperty workflow is a predefined workflow which allows you to execute a SQL script that will modify a specific property on all the CommCells that are registered with the CommCell where the workflow is being executed. This operation will perform a modification to the CommServe database of the respective CommCell.

This workflow can be manually executed from the CommCell Console. Aside from running the workflow on demand, you can automate it as follows:

  • scheduling the workflow to run at specific times

  • calling out the workflow (as an XML file) in your automation scripts.

How Does It Work?

This predefined workflow automates the following operations:

  1. Retrieves and collects all the CommCells registered with the main CommCell (where the workflow is executed).

  2. Adds the main CommCell to the list.

  3. For each CommCell, the workflow logs on to the CommServe computer through the command line and executes the defined script.

  4. After the script is executed, the workflow logs off from the current CommServe computer and continues with the next one until the complete list is traversed.

Defining the Script to Update a Global Property

By default, this workflow uses the setUseVSSGlobally.sql script, which enables or disables the VSS option on the subclients. The VSS option allows the creation of snapshots to back up locked files.

You can define a different script to be executed using the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click the Demo_SetGlobalProperty workflow, and then click All Tasks > Edit.

  3. Right-click the Set Property activity and then click Properties to define the script:

    1. From the Inputs tab, clear the existing script specified in the scriptName input and enter the name of the SQL script that will update a global property on each CommCell.

      You can also create a variable and use it for this input to allow the user specify the script to be executed.

    2. For the arguments input, specify the operation that the script will perform. For example, if the script has an "enable" option and you want to use it, specify it in this space.

      If you chose to specify a variable for scriptName, then you must also insert a variable for this input to allow the user specify the argument for the script.

    3. Click OK.

  4. Click Save from the toolbar and then click Yes to deploy the workflow.

  5. Select the engine to deploy the workflow from the Workflow Engine list and click OK.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click Demo_SetGlobalProperty and then click All Tasks > Execute.

  3. Select the workflow engine from the Run workflow on list.

  4. Depending on how the workflow is configured, you may have to specify the script and argument that will be executed in the workflow.

  5. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the workflow job from the Job Controller.