Setting General Properties


The general properties for a workflow include options such as the name of the workflow and whether to run the workflow as a job or as an API.


  1. From the Workflow window, go to the Workflow Properties pane.

  2. On the General tab, in the Value column for the Name property, type the Workflow name.

  3. In the Value column for the Description property, type the purpose of the Workflow.

  4. Update the general properties for the workflow:



Additional Information


To group workflows under a particular heading in the Web Console Forms application, set the property value to the group heading.

To enter multiple tags, separate each tag with a semi-colon (;).

Workflow forms appear under the tag name in the Web Console. If you leave the Tags property empty for a form, the form appears under the Untagged category.

For information about workflow forms, see Running Workflows from the Web Console.

Start Interactive Session

If the workflow requires user input during execution, set the property to True.

For information about workflow activities that support user interaction, see User Interaction.


  • Job - Assigns a job ID to the Workflow when it is run. You can see the Workflow in the Job Controller and Workflow Job History windows. If services are restarted, the Workflow will automatically restart.

  • API - Runs the Workflow completely in memory (no job ID is assigned). Because API Workflows run completely in memory, they run faster than Workflows run as jobs.

REST APIs that run Workflows as APIs are available: Executing a Workflow as an API (POST) and Executing a Workflow as an API (GET).

Show in web console

To make the workflow available in the Web Console Forms application, set the property to True.

For information about workflow forms, see Running Workflows from the Web Console.

Execute in web console

To open the workflow input dialog box in the Web Console when the workflow is run, set the property to True.

When the input dialog box opens in the Web Console, JavaScript and cascading style sheets (CSS) are supported.

For information about applying CSS and JavaScript to workflow inputs, see Validating Workflow Inputs.

Manual Percent Complete

To specify the percentage of completion for activities in the workflow, set the property to True.

For information about configuring the percentage of completion for an activity in a workflow, see Adding an OnComplete Script.

Message Name

Applies To: business logic workflows

The top-level element for the XML message you want to connect to the workflow.

For example, to connect the workflow to the XML message used to create a user, type App_CreateUserRequest.

For information about business logic workflows, see Creating a Business Logic Workflow.

Execute When

Applies To: business logic workflows

  • Request - Runs the workflow when the XML message is sent to the server.

  • Response - Runs the workflow when the XML message is returned by the server.

For information about business logic workflows, see Creating a Business Logic Workflow.