Snapshot Configuration Properties of the Fujitsu ETERNUS AF / DX Storage Array


The Snap Configuration tab contains properties that affect the behavior of the storage array in your environment.



Storage Device Group

The name of the RAID group or thin provisioning group created on the array.

Use Device only from this Group

If you select this option, then only snapshot devices that are available in the storage pool that is specified in Storage Device Group are used.

SMIS Server Port

The value for the array Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) server port.

The default value is 5988.

Use secure connection to SMIS Server

Select this option to use secure socket layer (SSL) to connect to the client.

Enable Parallel Snap Operation

Select this option to enable multiple snapshot operations to run simultaneously.

On UNIX computers, if you don't select this option, then only one operation snapshot operation runs at one time.

Enable Incremental Clone

Select this option to enable incremental clone operations, and to write only the data that changed after the last clone operation to the target device.

If you don't select this option, then the clones are marked as full.

Mount Retry Interval (in seconds)

The time interval (in seconds) after which the next mount operation is attempted.

The default value is 300 (5 minutes).

Snap Retry Interval (in seconds)

The time interval (in seconds) after which the snapshot creation operation is retried.

By default, the value is 30.

Volume Label Prefix

The reserved label prefix to use for selecting target volumes.

Volumes that have this label prefix are selected as targets, irrespective of the device group setting. If no target volume has this prefix, then the job fails.

The maximum length of the label prefix is 10 characters.

For example, if the value of Volume Label Prefix is iSnap_, then SDVs names that have this prefix are iSnap _01, iSnap _02, and iSnap _SDV1.

Use Thin Volume for SnapOPC/SnapOPC+

When selected, IntelliSnap uses thin provisioning volumes (TPV) for SnapOPC and SnapOPC+ engine. The snapshot backup job might fail if there is no free TPV of the same size as the source volume available.