Subclient Properties (Log Destinations)


Use this tab to determine the location from where the archive logs will be backed up or deleted.

Backup Archive Log

Specifies whether to back up or delete archived redo log files. These logs can be applied to the database in order to recover it to a point-in-time. This option is not available when you select Offline Database in the Content tab.

Archive Delete

Specifies whether archived redo log files will be deleted once they are backed up. Any archived redo log files that do not match the format indicated by the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT environment variable are not deleted. This option is available only when you select the Backup Archive Log option.

Disable Switch Current Log

When selected, log switching is disabled for the current redo log file during an archive log backup. However this option is not applicable for snap log backups.

Select ArchiveLog Destinations for Backup

Specifies the location from where the archive logs will be backed up. Use Add and Delete to administer these locations.


The location provided in the Select Archive Destinations field within the Advanced Backup Options (Back up Archive Logs) tab will override the location provided in this field.

Select ArchiveLog Destinations for Delete

Specifies the location from where the archive logs will be deleted. Use Add and Delete to administer these locations.


The location provided in the Select Archive Destinations field within the Advanced Backup Options (Delete Archive Logs) tab will override the location provided in this field.