Subclient Properties of <subclient name> (Advanced Options)


Use this tab to administer online backups, offline backups and backup log files.

Online Backup

Specifies that backups for this subclient will be run with the database online. If a backup is run with the database online, other applications can access the database while the backup is in progress. Online backups are available only for recoverable databases.

Offline Backup

Specifies that backups for this subclient will be run with the database offline. If a backup is run with the database offline, this job has an exclusive connection to the database; therefore, any other access to the database is not allowed while the backup is in progress. An offline backup cannot run if any other applications are already running on the database.

Number of Buffers

Use this space to specify the number of buffers for the backup. Default is 1. However, if you are backing up to multiple locations, you should use a sufficient number of buffers to improve performance, and to avoid potential backup failure.

Buffer Size

Use this space to specify the size (in 4 KB pages) of each buffer to be used for building the backup image. The minimum value is 8, and the maximum is 16384 and the default value is 1024.

If you want to have the DB2 software determine the buffer size, set the value to 0.


Use this space to specify the number of table spaces to be read in parallel for backup. If the number is not set, optimal value will be chosen automatically.

Use Db2 Compression

Specifies whether the backup uses DB2 compression methods.

Use Dedupe Device

When this is enabled, the DB2 deduplication parameter DEDUP_DEVICE is used. When you create a subclient, this feature is enabled by default.

This feature is available starting on DB2 version 9.7 with FixPack 3.

For additional information on db2look, go to the DB2 Knowledge Center, DEDEUP_DEVICE.

Enable Table Browse

When this option is selected, the DB2 Agent gathers the database tables and user information during online backups. A table view is displayed in the browse operation.

Back up Log Files

Specifies whether log files will be backed up for this subclient. When cleared, you must select the Backup Data option on the Content tab.

If you select this option, you can exclude the DB2 logs from the backup image on a DB2 version that is 9.5 or later. On the Content tab, select the Exclude Logs from Backup Image check box.

To back up DB2 or DB2 MultiNode archive logs using the Commvault VENDOR library, set the LOGARCHMETH1 and LOGARCHOPT1 parameters as described in DB2 Configuration.


To back up DB2 archive logs using the SBT interface, set the LOGARCHMETH1 and LOGARCHOPT1 parameters.

Delete Log Files After

When selected, the log files are deleted from the DB2 or DB2 MultiNode log path and the DB2 or DB2 MultiNode archive path after a backup operation. However, the log files are kept in the backup media. This field is active only when the Back up Log Files option is selected.


After you install Service Pack 9, the software enables this feature by default for all database subclients that you create.

Disable Switch Current Log

When selected, log switching is disabled for the current redo log file during an archive log backup. This option is not applicable for snapshot log backups.

Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts

When enabled, the client is excluded from the SLA (Service Level Agreement) calculation and the Client Strike calculation for the Worldwide Dashboard, CommCell Console Dashboard, SLA Report, and Client Strike Count Report. When disabled, the client is included in these calculations.