Testing IOPS of Search Engine Nodes with IOmeter


This section describes how to measure Input Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) using IOmeter, an industry standard tool. Measuring IOPS provides a standard and simplified way to help you commission disk storage for Search Engine nodes.

The minimum and recommended IOPS of Search Engine disk volumes depend on the type of Search Engine node being considered:

Search Engine Node Type


Minimum IOPS

Recommended IOPS

Search Engine node

The normal Search Engine node used to run content indexing jobs



Search Only node

  • a Search Engine node that is only used to host an index for searching

  • a Search Only node does not receive new indexing data



Search Engine Node with ContentStore Email Viewer

A Search Engine node that is used to perform searches in the ContentStore Email Viewer of messages that were archived using OnePass for Exchange Mailbox (Classic).



Before You Begin

Consider the following before running the IOPS test with IOmeter:

  • Ensure that each volume to be tested contains a minimum of 50 GB of free disk space.

  • If the drive containing the operating system is tested without at least 50 GB of free disk space, operating system corruption may occur.

  • If multiple Search Engine nodes use SAN attached LUNs belonging to the same disk array, test IOPS ratings concurrently on all nodes by running IOmeter in parallel.

  • If the physical spindles behind the volume are shared between multiple volumes, it is important to make sure the load on the underlying physical disks remains the same as at the time of IOmeter testing. Increase in load on the shared disks may result in degraded performance.

Run IOmeter on Search Engine Nodes

Perform the following steps on each Search Engine node being tested with IOmeter:

  1. Right-click the IOmeter profile link below and select the option to save the file to your computer:

    Search Engine IOmeter Profile


    Save the IOmeter profile to a location that is accessible from the Search Engine node client.

  2. Stop all services on the Search Engine node.

    Refer to Stopping a Service for instructions.

  3. Navigate to <Software Installation Directory>\Base

  4. Right-click IOmeter and click Run as Administrator.

  5. Click the open button iometer_openand select the CommVault IOmeter profile for Search Engine.

  6. Select the Search Engine index as the target disk for Worker 1 through Worker 24:

    1. In the Topology pane, click Worker 1.

    2. In the Disk Targets tab, select the check box for the volume where the Search Engine index is located.

    3. Repeat the previous two steps for Worker 2 through Worker 24.

  7. Click the Results Display tab.

  8. Click the run button iometer_runto start the test.

  9. When prompted, save the IOmeter test results file to a location on the Search Engine node.

    As the test runs, results appear in the Results Display tab.

  10. When the test is complete, start all services on the Search Engine node.

    Refer to Starting a Service for instructions.

  11. Open the IOmeter test results file from the location specified at step 9.

  12. Locate the IOPS number from the IOps column.

  13. Compare this number to the minimum and recommended IOPS for Search Engine nodes.