On the cloud storage page, you can view the vendor type, the deduplication savings in percentage, total application size which is the total amount of data that is backed up to this particular storage and the size on disk which is the total size occupied on disk and with deduplication, this includes the data written and the size occupied by aged jobs that are still referenced by other valid job.
You can add more storage locations to the storage.
From the navigation pane, go to Storage > Cloud > cloud_storage.
The cloud storage page appears.
On the Bucket, Container, Root folder and so on bar, click Add.
The Add bucket dialog box appears.
From the MediaAgent list, select the MediaAgent that you want to write the data to the cloud library.
The list displays MediaAgents classified as Active (MediaAgents having license) and Inactive (MediaAgents having MediaAgent package installed, but license not consumed). The license is auto consumed if you select an inactive MediaAgent.
In the Bucket, Container, Root folder and so on box, type the bucket name.
From the Storage class list, select the appropriate storage class for your account.
From the Credential list, select the credential that you want to use to access the cloud library.
For instructions to create a new credential to access the mount path, see Creating a Credential to Access a Cloud Library.
If the MediaAgent accesses the mount path using a proxy, click on the Proxy tab, and then enter the proxy server access information.
Click Save.