Adding Backup Content Exclusions to an Laptop Plan


You can exclude content from being backed up by the plan.


If you are adding exclusions while creating a plan, start with step 4.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. In the Plan name column, click the plan.

    The plan details page appears.

  3. Under Backup content, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

    The Backup content dialog box appears.

  4. Define data you want to exclude from backup operations:

    1. On the Windows, Mac, or Unix tab, next to Exclude these files/folders/patterns, click Add and select either Content or Custom Path.

      The Add exclusions dialog box appears.

    2. If you selected Content, in the Add exclusion dialog box, browse for content to exclude.


      For more information on files that are excluded by default, see Files That Are Included and Excluded for Backups.

    3. If you selected Custom Path, type a path or pattern, for example, *.docx.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Repeat these steps until exclusions are added for each operating system that you want the plan to support.

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