Adding or Migrating Users and Laptops to a Plan


You can add users to a specific plan. When you add a user or user group to a plan, then their associated laptops are also added to the plan. If the users were already associated to another plan, then their previous plan association is deleted and their associated laptops are migrated to the new plan.

Before You Begin

Creating a Laptop Plan.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. In the Plan name column, click the plan to which you want to add or migrate users and laptops.

    The plan details page appears.

  3. Under Associate users and user groups, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

    The Associate users or user groups dialog box appears.

  4. In the box, start typing the characters for the user, user group, or email.

    Matching values will appear in a list.

  5. From the list, select the user, user group, or email you want to add to the plan.

  6. If you do not want to invite users to install the end-user Laptop package, next to the user, user group, or email, clear the check box.

  7. Click Preview.

    The Affected client list dialog box appears, listing the laptops that will be migrated to the plan.

  8. To add the users and migrate the associated laptops to the plan, click Yes.

Inviting Users and User Groups to Install the End-User Laptop Package

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