Creating a Base Plan


Applies to: Laptop plans.

Create a base plan that you can use as a template for other plans. The plans created from base plans are called derived plans.

When a plan is derived from a base plan, changes to the base plan also change the derived plan for options that are inherited. For example, if you change the RPO (recovery point objective) from 4 hours to 10 hours in a base plan, the RPOs for all of the plans inheriting RPO from that base plan are changed to 10 hours.


  1. Follow the instructions for Creating an Laptop Plan.

  2. Remain in the Create plan_type plan dialog box.

  3. Under Override restrictions, move the Allow plan to be overridden toggle key to the right.

    Moving the Allow plan to be overridden toggle key makes the plan a base plan.

    Depending on the plan type, the following options become available: Storage pool, RPO, Backup content, and Retention.

  4. For each option, define how the base plan interacts with plans derived from it:

    • Override required: Plans derived from this base plan do not inherit the base plan values and must have its individual values.

    • Override optional: Plans derived from this base plan can either inherit the base plan values or have different values.

    • Override not allowed: Plans derived from this base plan must inherit the base plan values.


      You can edit the override options on the existing server plan. For instructions, see Modifying a Server Plan.

  5. Click Save.


On the plan properties page, under Override restrictions, the options and the override settings you chose are listed.

What to Do Next

Create a plan from the base plan.

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