Data Views for the Chargeback Report


The Chargeback Report provides information about the size and cost of data saved on storage media. The report appears at both the Worldwide level and the CommCell level.

You must set all costs in the Global Price dialog box. If a Global Price option is set to 0, then the corresponding columns do not appear in the report. You must assign a cost to each item in the Global Price dialog box in order to see all possible columns in the report. For instructions, see Setting Global Price.

For new CommServe computers, client group data appears only after the first month of uploads. The Chargeback report cannot display historical data for client groups immediately.

To view charts that display trending information about the size of data that was backed up, archived, and stored on media over the last 12 months, weeks, or days, click either of the following, depending on the level where you are viewing the report:

Table Views

The tables in this report contain much of the same information for each of the following components:

  • CommCells

  • Client Groups

  • Clients

  • Subclients

  • Subclient Per Copy

  • Billing Tags

  • Tenants

The following columns appear in the table for each component that you select, unless otherwise indicated.



Billing Tag

The name of the billing tag.

This column appears only when you select Billing Tags from the Group by list.

For instructions about creating a billing tag, see Creating Billing Tags.

Tag Notes

The description that a user entered for the billing tag.

This column appears only when you select Billing Tags from the Group by list.

CommCell Name

The CommServe computer. To go to the Dashboard for that particular CommCell environment, click the CommCell Name.

This column does not appear when you select Client Groups from the Group by list.

Client Groups

Each client group in each CommCell environment.

All client group associations for all clients are listed. If a client is associated with multiple client groups, then the client groups are listed in a single cell, separated by a colon (:). If there are multiple client group combinations for a client, then each client group combination appears in a different row.

This column appears only when you select Client, Client Groups, or Billing Tags from the Group by list.

In the Billing Tags table, information appears in this column only if the client group has been associated with the billing tag.


Each client in each CommCell environment.

This column appears only when you select Clients from the Group by list.


The type of agent installed on the client computer.

This column appears only when you select Subclients or Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.


If applicable, the instance configured on the client computer.

This column appears only when you select Subclients or Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.

Backup Set

The backup set on the client computer.

This column appears only when you select Subclients or Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.


The name of the subclient.

This column appears only when you select Subclients or Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.

Storage Policy

The storage policy associated with the subclient.

This column appears only when you select Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.


The storage policy copy associated with the subclient.

This column appears only when you select Subclient per Copy from the Group by list.


Each tenant computer in each CommCell environment.

This column appears only when you select Tenants from the Group by list.

Front End Backup Size

The amount of data in the largest full backup job from each subclient during the specified time period. If no full backup job completed during the specified time period, then it is the amount of data in the largest full backup job from the previous time period. This report displays the amount of data on the primary copy. If the primary copy is not valid or available, it will show the amount of data on the alternative copy with the largest protected size.

For VMs, this is the largest guest size in the most recent full backup.

For clients that have both VSA and other agents installed, only the front end size for VSA subclients is displayed.

Jobs that run on a VM are counted only one time, regardless of the number of subclients that were used to back up the virtual machine.

Deconfigured clients are not included in the Front End Terabytes (FET), and a value of 0 appears in the report.

If an agent has multiple backup sets, the backup set with the largest backup size counts towards FET.

Front End Backup Cost

The cost of protecting data in the largest full backup from each subclient. This cost is determined by the price configured under Front End Cost per TB in the Backup box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Front End Archive Size

The amount of data in all archive jobs from each subclient. This report calculates the amount of data only in the primary copy.

Jobs that run on a VM are counted only one time, regardless of the number of subclients that were used to back up the virtual machine.

If an agent has multiple backup sets, the backup set with the largest backup size counts towards FET.

The following types of data are included:

  • The last backup cycle of each OnePass subclient: The last backup cycle includes the most recent full or synthetic full backup job, and all incremental jobs that ran after the last full or synthetic full job.

  • Any subclient that is configured with OnePass counts towards the capacity calculation (even if archiving rules are not enabled for stub files).

  • Any File System subclient configured with job-based retention or object-based retention with minimum retention based on file modification counts toward the capacity calculation.

  • An archiver subclient under the archive set or a OnePass subclient that is configured with job-based retention: The first full backup job and all corresponding incremental backup jobs count towards the capacity calculation.

  • All archive jobs for OnePass for Exchange Mailbox.

  • All legal hold jobs.

  • All Object Link jobs.

  • Traditional archiver agents: The total size of all active archive jobs is included in the capacity calculation.

  • Virtual server agents: The guest VM size is measured to calculate capacity. For more information, see Virtual Machines in the Capacity Calculation.

Front End Archive Cost

The cost of protecting data in all archive jobs from each subclient. This cost is determined by the price configured under Front End Cost per TB in the Archive box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Primary App Size

The amount of application data, before compression and deduplication, that was written to primary copies, including aged data and pruned data, during the specified time period. For VMs, the application size is the backup size. For more information, see Size Measures for Virtual Machines.

Primary App Cost

The amount of protected application data in backup jobs, including aged data and pruned data, during the specified time period. This cost is determined by the price configured under Current Month/Week Cost per TB in the Primary Application box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Protected App Size

The size of application data, before compression and deduplication, of all active jobs, that ran during the specified time period, in all storage policy copies, including aged data and pruned data.

For VMs, the application size is the backup size. For more information, see Size Measures for Virtual Machines.

Protected App Cost

The cost of transferring application data for backup jobs. This cost is determined by the price configured under Current Month/Week Cost per TB in the Protected Application box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Media Size

The amount of data that was saved on storage media during the specified time period, including aged and pruned data.

For storage policy copies that have deduplication enabled, the media size for each job is calculated based on the average deduplication ratio of the copy. Where media size = application size * average deduplication ratio per copy.

The average deduplication ratio of a destination copy is calculated by (total size on disk)/(total protected app size) for the destination copy.

Media Cost

The cost of all data associated with a client that was stored on media during the current, specified time period, including all copies. This cost is determined by the price configured under Current Month/Week Cost per TB in the Data on Media box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Total Protected App Size

The size of application data, before compression and deduplication, of all active jobs, that ran at any time, in all storage policy copies, excluding aged data. For VMs, the application size is the backup size. For more information, see Size Measures for Virtual Machines.

Total Protected App Cost

The cost of storing application data on media.

Total Media Size

The amount of all active data that is saved on storage media, including all storage policy copies on all media types, and excluding aged data.

For storage policy copies that have deduplication enabled, the media size for each job is calculated based on the average deduplication ratio of the copy. Where media size = application size * average deduplication ratio per copy.

The average deduplication ratio of a destination copy is calculated by (total size on disk)/(total protected app size) for the destination copy.

Total Media Cost

The cost of all data associated with a client that is currently stored on media, including all copies. This cost is determined by the price configured under Lifetime Cost per TB in the Total Data on Media box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

No. of Clients

The number of associated clients.

No. of Subclients

The number of associated subclients.

Additional Cost

The total amount of additional charges. This cost is determined by the price configured under Additional Cost. For more information, see Set Global Price.


The total value of the discount. This cost is determined by the price configured in the Discount box. For more information, see Set Global Price.

Total Cost

The total cost of maintaining the CommCell Console, including the front end cost, the media cost, and any additional charges and discounts.

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