You can enable file indexing for a hypervisor at the VM level.
MSP admins and tenant admins can enable file indexing for supported hypervisors at the VM level.
When enabled at VM level, a file indexing job will index only the VMs that have file indexing enabled at the VM level.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.
The Virtual machines page appears.
Search for the virtual machine on which you want to enable file indexing, and then click it.
The virtual machine detail page appears.
On the Configuration tab, under Options, edit the Index files after backup option and then select one of the following options:
Enabled: Enables file indexing at the VM level.
Inherit from VM group: File indexing status (that is, Enabled or Disabled) is inherited from the VM group.
Disabled: Disables file indexing at the VM level.