Exchange Archiving


The Exchange Mailbox application is a comprehensive solution that incorporates archiving and cleanup operations. You can archive mailbox messages to secondary storage. Administrators and end users can easily and quickly retrieve archived messages.

For the User Mailbox, cleanup operations create stubs on the production storage. The stubs point to the messages that were moved as part of the archiving and cleanup operations.

For the Journal Mailbox, cleanup jobs operations delete the contents of the journal mailbox from the Exchange server.

For the ContentStore Mailbox, cleanup operations delete the messages from the mailbox on the ContentStore Mailbox Server (SMTP).


  • Flexible server environment using one application

    You can use an on-premises or hosted server environment, or both using Command Center.

  • Improved throughput for Office 365 with Exchange

    For Office 365 with Exchange environments, the Exchange Mailbox application uses Exchange Web Services (EWS) for archiving messages, which provides better throughput.

  • Easy configuration

    All data is associated with one Exchange Mailbox server, which makes it simple to scale your data protection system horizontally. As your business needs change, you can add or remove physical clients at any time without any disruption.

  • User-level control

    With the Exchange Mailbox application, content is managed at the user level, rather than at the subclient level. Users are contained within a single subclient where you can assign discrete Exchange plans at the user, database, and user group levels. Using a single subclient eliminates the need to manage load balancing across multiple subclients.

  • Indexed data

    Because metadata (From, To, Subject, receive time, size, and so on) is indexed, you can perform data retrieval quickly.

  • Multistreaming

    Multistreaming means that archiving, cleanup, and restore jobs can be run in parallel and this increases throughput. In addition, each job type can run in multiple streams.

  • Previews without content indexing

    Previews of messages are available for compliance searches and end-user searches whether or not you configure content indexing.

Key Features

The Exchange Mailbox application offers a broad set of features that provide administrators with more granular control over mailbox data protection.

  • Data archiving

  • Data cleanup

  • Data restore

  • Deleted item retention

  • Improved search performance

  • Mail previews without content indexing (requires Outlook Add-In and ContentStore)

  • Mailbox-level retention

  • Multistreamed archive and cleanup jobs

  • Single index server for content indexing and browsing

  • User-level control of archive, cleanup and retention

  • User-level control of archive and cleanup rules

  • User-level control of content indexing rules

What You Can Archive Using the Exchange Mailbox Agent

You can archive the following items using the Exchange Mailbox Agent:

  • Email messages

  • Calendar items

  • Tasks

  • Contacts

  • Shared mailboxes

  • Journal mailboxes

Supported Features

The Exchange Mailbox Agent supports the following:

  • Stubbing

  • Accessing archived messages using the Web Console

  • Message-level retention

  • Restoring messages in place and out of place

  • Restoring messages to disk as MSG or EML files