The Getting Started procedure describes the steps that first-time users must follow to set up the Laptop application in the Command Center.
The setup for the Laptop application includes inviting your end users to install the end-user Laptop package on their devices.
Step 1: Obtain Your User Credentials to Access the Command Center
Obtain the following information from your backup administrator:
The Command Center URL
Your Command Center user credentials
If Command Center is not set up in your CommCell environment, contact your backup administrator to deploy Command Center. For more information, see Setting Up the Command Center.
Step 2: Log On to the Command Center
Access the Command Center by using the URL and user account credentials that you obtained from the backup administrator.
Step 3: Complete the Laptop Application Setup Wizard
Configure the Laptop application by completing the Setup Wizard.
The Setup Wizard includes creating a basic plan. The plan contains the features users can access and the information needed to backup data, for example, the storage pool, backup frequency, and the data to backup. After you create a plan by using the setup wizard, you can configure additional options on your plan.
- For information on creating basic plans outside of the setup wizard, see Creating an Laptop Plan.
Step 4: Create an End-user Laptop Installation Package
Create and deploy the Laptop installation package on the end-user laptops. For more information, see Deployment of End-User Laptop Package.
Step 5: Go to the Laptops Page to Monitor End-User Installations
After the end-user Laptop package is installed on devices, those devices appear on the Laptops page.
For information on the Laptops page, see Operations.
Step 6: Restrict User Access with Access Control Lists (ACLs) for Shared Laptops (Optional)
Access control lists (ACL) for the data are included in the backup, which, allow users to access only the files and folders for which they have access permissions. Other files and folders for which the user does not have permissions will be filtered and hidden during Find, Browse, Restore, and Delete Data operations.
For more information, see Restricting User Access with Access Control Lists (ACLs).
Step 7: Perform Your First Backup and Restore
After end users install the end-user Laptop package on their devices, the first backup is automatically scheduled based on the assigned plan. You can also perform a backup and a restore. For instructions, refer to the following procedures: