Monitoring the Platform for HyperScale X Reference Architecture

The Commvault HyperScale platform alert monitors the following characteristics in the HyperScale node.

  • Commvault File System (CVFS) services health. If the hedvighblock, hedvigpages, hedvighpod, or hedvigfsc services go down, the platform alerts are generated to notify the Commcell administrator.

  • Commit log partition (/hedvig/d2) consumption and alerts when the consumption goes beyond a configurable high watermark. The default watermark is 95%.

  • System mount points consumption and alerts when the consumption goes beyond a configurable high watermark for the following mount points:

    /, /opt, /var, /var/log and /boot

    The default watermark is 85%.

  • Data drives consumption and alerts when the consumption goes beyond a configurable high watermark. The default watermark is 85%.

  • Monitor and alert when Ransomware protection is disabled on the HyperScale nodes.

  • Network packet drops/errors are detected for any of the configured network interfaces

On new installations with Commvault Platform Release 2023E, the alert is enabled by default for all HyperScale nodes.

On existing installations, when you upgrade to Commvault Platform Release 2023E version, you must first disable the "Scale out disk health alert, and then enable the new platform alert after the upgrade.

Sample Output

Monitoring the HyperScale X Appliance Platform (2)

Configuring the Threshold Values

To modify the default threshold values for platform monitoring, add the following settings. For more information, see Adding a Global Setting.




HSX Data disk space usage threshold (HSXDataDiskThresholdPercentage)


To configure the threshold for data drives consumption

HSX commit log space usage threshold (HSXCommitLogThresholdPercentage)


To configure the threshold for commit log partition consumption

HSX System mount points space usage threshold (HSXSystemMountPointThresholdPercentage)


To configure the threshold for system mount points
