Monitoring Validation Status for VMware VMs


You can monitor the validation job, see which VMs have applications running, and view the results of validation for a VM.

Monitoring Options

  • Validation jobs have the type Virtual Machine Management in the Operation column. When you go to Jobs and view the details for a Virtual Machine Management job, you can see events that are associated with the job and get information about each phase of the validation process.

    To update the status when a job is running, refresh the page.

  • On the page for a virtual machine that was validated, the Application validation results area shows the boot status for the VM, the most recent validation job ID, the ID for the validated backup job, the completion date and time for the backup that was validated, and information about applications on the VM.

    Application validation results

  • From the Virtualization Dashboard, in the VMs section, a VALIDATION FAILED section appears if any VMs failed validation. Click in that area to get more information about VMs that could not be validated. The Validated VM backups report provides summary information about each VM backup that is validated.

Virtualization Dashboard

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