Recovering System Data and Commvault Libraries from a DR Backup

After you install the basic operating system, recover the system data, IBM libraries, and Commvault libraries from the DVD images.


Use the following guidelines for the startup script that is specified in SYSTEM VALUE "QSTRUPPGM:

  • The name is QGPL/<Program name>.

  • The initial DR restore restores only *IBM QSYS2+QUSRSYS+QGPL. Any user startup scripts or programs that are executed from a script fail.

  • The start-up program that you specify for the system value QSTRUPPGM must exist in the system libraries (*IBM) or the system libraries with user data (QSYS2 or QUSRSYS or QGPL). If it does not, then the destination IBM i host does not properly start during the disaster recovery.


The IBM i LPAR will reboot when you run this procedure.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you load the DVD image that has the 1-Touch Disaster Recovery backup on the optical drive.

The IBM i File System Agent must be able to access the optical drive.


After you install the basis operating system, the AS/400 Main Menu dialog box appears.

  1. Clear the system messages.

    1. On the command line, type the following command, and then press Enter.

    2. On the command line, type the following command, and then press Enter.

    3. After the message appears that states the system is in a restricted state, press Enter.

  2. Verify that the DVD image is loaded in the optical drive. On the command line, type the following command, substituting OPTXX with the optical device name.

  3. Restore the CVLIB. On the command line, type the following command, substituting OPTXX with the optical device name.

    Note: These libraries are not a part of the first DVD image, so you must load the required DVD image to restore these libraries.

  4. Load the first DVD image again in the optical device.

  5. Restore the system backup data. On the command line, type the following command, substituting OPTXX with the optical device name.



    Restore the system backup data from the optical drive that is named OPT01.

  6. On the command line, type Yes, and then at the next dialog box prompt, press Enter.

  7. On the command line, type OK, and then for the next dialog boxes, press Enter.

    The restore process appears in the status bar.

  8. After the restore completes, the following dialog box appears. Type OK, and then for the next dialog boxes, press Enter.

    Type reply (if required), press Enter. 
     Restore is completed from Optical device. You can proceed with Network configuration and start the TCP servers to restore the remaining data from 
     Commvault backup 
     Reply . . . OK
  9. Configure the TCP/IP configuration from the command line. For instructions, see the IBM documentation.

  10. Perform the initial program load (IPL). On the command line, type the following command:

    Note: During the restore, you may see an inquiry message that states, "Load next volume on optical device OPTXX. (C G)". When you see this message, load the next volume to the optical device, and then type G to continue the restore.



The following operation system, and system data are restored from the optical images:

  • User profiles

  • Private Authorities

  • Configuration objects

  • *IBM libraries (system libraries)

  • System libraries with user data: QSYS2, QGPL, QUSRSYS

  • Commvault libraries: CV*

  • System files and Commvault files with logs

Note: Refer to the IBM i Information Center for details about the objects that are recovered.

This recover process is similar to other recovery processes that use native commands with Backup, Recovery and Media Services (BRMS). The disaster recover backup includes certain system values that are part of SAVSYS. When the software recovers the operating system, these system values are recovered. The software does not recover system values that cannot be changed such as values that relate to the date or time.

If security related system values were locked, then the software does not restore them. For information on how to lock and unlock security related system values, go to the IBM i Information Center.
