Reports on the Commvault Store


Frequently, we build new reports for the Command Center and the Web Console and publish those new reports on the Commvault Store. If you have access to reports on the Command Center and the Web Console and also have access to the Cloud Services Portal, you can download new reports from the Commvault Store and view them on both the Command Center and the Web Console. When you download a report from the Commvault Store, you can view the report in both the Command Center and the Web Console.

Reports are configured to display data only for the CommServe computer where you download the report, but you can configure additional data sources.

There are two types of reports available on the Commvault Store: Basic and Premium. Basic reports are available to all users for download. Although you can see a list of the Premium reports, you must contact your Account Representative to download them.


If we make any changes to the report, we publish an update for the report on the Commvault Store. You can either manually update reports or set reports to update automatically:


Either set the automatic update option for reports or update all of your reports after each feature release upgrade.

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