SLA (Service Level Agreement) and Strikes


SLA indicates the percentage of clients that met or missed SLA. The SLA calculation is used to gauge the overall performance of a CommCell environment, based on successful backup jobs vs. failed backup jobs, referred to as strikes.

The formula used to calculate SLA is: Number of Clients that Met SLA / Total Number of Clients.

The SLA calculation excludes:

  • Clients and subclients that are deconfigured or have backup activity disabled.

  • New clients created within the SLA period.

  • All clients in a Client Group, individual clients, and subclients that have the Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts option enabled.

  • Virtual machines that were removed from a vCenter, or VMs have not sent details to the Vcenter in the last 30 days.

  • Virtual machines that have the Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts option enabled.

  • Laptops that are offline during the entire time range.

  • Pseudo CommServe Clients

  • Edge Drive Pseudo Clients

  • Reference Copy Clients

  • Content Index Servers

  • Database command line subclients:

    • If no instances are defined in the database agent and the default instance is a dummy.

    • If there were no backups, but there was at least one successful backup in a database agent GUI subclient.

A client misses SLA when there are no successful backup jobs run in a given time range. Additional conditions for missed SLA include:

  • A backup job on a database agent is considered unsuccessful when it is failed, killed, or completed with errors.

  • A backup job on a file system agent is considered unsuccessful when it is failed or killed.

  • Snap backup jobs are considered successful only after the backup copy job has completed.

  • Subclients that have no jobs scheduled or have scheduled jobs that do not run also count as missed SLA.

  • Database command line subclients with failed backup jobs or no backup jobs.

Note: For tips on improving the SLA percentage, see How to Improve SLA.

SLA Report - View Report

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