Viewing the Chargeback Report


You can view the Chargeback Report on the Web Console that is hosted by the Private Metrics Reporting Server or on our Cloud Services Portal.

On the Web Console, The report is available at both the Worldwide level and the CommCell level. However, on the Cloud Services Portal, the report is available only at the CommCell level.

You can configure and view billing tags in the Chargeback Report only on the Web Console. If you want to use billing tags, then you must use the Chargeback Report on the Web Console. You cannot view or set billing tags in the Chargeback Report on the Cloud Services Portal.

Before You Begin

Private Metrics Reporting

  • Verify that data collection is enabled for Private Metrics Reporting on each CommServe computer. For information about enabling data collection for the report, see Activating Private Metrics Reports.

  • To view Metrics Reports, your CommCell user account requires: a role with the Report Management permission and an association with a CommCell Group or CommCell pseudoclient.

Cloud Metrics Reporting

Verify that data collection for Cloud Metrics Reporting is enabled on each CommServe computer. For instructions about enabling data collection for this report, see Activating Cloud Metrics Reports.


  1. Log on to the Web Console or the Cloud Services Portal.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. From the navigation pane, go to the Worldwide page or the CommCell Reports page:

    • To view this report at the Worldwide level, click Reports.

    • To view this report at the CommCell level, click CommCells, click a CommCell , and then from the navigation pane, click Reports.

  4. Click Chargeback.

    The Chargeback Report appears.

  5. From the Group By list, select an entity such as Clients or Client Groups.

  6. From the Size Unit list, select the size unit for report data.

  7. Configure a time range:

    • On the Web Console at the Worldwide level, select a time range, such as Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, and then select the specific date range.

      To see and use the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly time range options, configure them to appear in the report. For instructions, see Activating Private Metrics Reports.

    • On the Web Console at the CommCell level, from the Time Interval Monthly list, select latest or one of the available months.

    You can view only monthly data in the Chargeback Report on the Cloud Services Portal.

  8. To exclude deconfigured subclients from the report, select the Exclude Deconfigured Subclients check box.

  9. To include clients with VSA and other agents installed in the Front End Backup Size calculation, select the Display FET for clients with both VSA and other agents installed check box.

  10. To include DR subclients, DDB subclients, and Index subclients in the report, select the Include DR/DDB/Index Subclients check box.

  11. To view the primary copy of the Total Media Size and Total Protected App Size data, select the Primary Copy only check box.

  12. Click Generate Report.

  13. To view data size changes over the last year, click Chargeback Trends.