VM Sockets in the License Summary Report


The VM Sockets view of the License Summary Report displays usage details for the VM Socket license, including the number of sockets on each hypervisor host and each job that ran on the hypervisor host.

Included Components

VM sockets on physical hypervisor hosts configured with the Virtual Server Agent for all supported hypervisors are included in the VM Sockets license.

Usage Calculation

For detailed information about how the software calculates usage of the VM Sockets license, see Usage Calculation for the VM Sockets License.

Where to Access the Report

To view this report, in the License Summary Report, in the Virtualization Licenses table under License, click VM Sockets.

VM Sockets Current Usage Details Table

This table displays the current number of sockets on each hypervisor host. If you have not purchased the VM Sockets license, the report displays the VM sockets that could be protected by this license.



Hypervisor Host

The hypervisor host where VM sockets are located.


The number of sockets on the hypervisor host.

Company ID

The ID that is assigned to the organization.


The organization that owns the client computer.


The plan that is associated with the hypervisor host.

Usages excluded from capacity because of VM Socket license

This table displays the size of jobs that run for license types, other than the capacity license, on the hypervisor hosts. If there are no other license types purchased, this table appears blank.



Client ID

The ID of the client computer.


The client computer.

Job ID

The ID for the job.

Job Type

The type of job that ran, such as Backup.


The workload assigned to each subclient.

Workload ID

The ID of the workload.

License ID

The ID of the license.


The type of license.

Agent ID

The ID of the agent type.


The type of agent.

Instance ID

The ID of the instance.


The instance.

Backup Set ID

The ID of the backup set.

Backup Set

The backup set that is associated with the subclient.

Subclient ID

The ID of the subclient.


The subclient that was backed up.

Storage Policy ID

The ID of the storage policy.

Storage Policy

The storage policy that is associated with the subclient.


The amount of data that was backed up.

Company ID

The ID of the organization.


The organization that owns the client computer.


The plan that is associated with the subclient and the storage policy.