Adding Drivers Using the Cloud Services Web Site


You can add the WinPE destination computer drivers to the downloaded ISO file using the Cloud Services Web site. To do this, you must log on to the Web Console and enter the driver information.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the driver is a zip file and contains the .inf file and the .sys file.


  1. Log on to the Web Console.

  2. From the Web Console, click Forms.

  3. From the Forms tab, click 1-Touch Boot CD Drivers.

  4. On the 1-Touch Boot CD Drivers form, enter the following information: (Required fields are marked with an asterisk.)

    • In the Customer Name box, enter the name of your company.

    • In the Drivers for WinPE box, add the drivers from your computer or from a shared location. You can see that the drivers you added are populated in the box.

    • In the Drivers for destination machine box, add the drivers required for the destination computer. You can see that the drivers that you added are populated in the box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. You will receive a confirmation email about the request.

  7. Once the drivers are successfully uploaded to the cloud services web site, you will receive another email that contains the link to the ISO file.

What To Do Next

Perform a 1-Touch Recovery operation. For more information, see Preparing for Recovery - 1-Touch for Windows.

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