Adding Tokens-Based Criteria


You can create alert criteria based on alert tokens. The token-based criteria are in addition to the alert criteria you select on the Threshold and Notification Criteria Selection page.

The type of alert and the type of notification determine the tokens that are available. For more information, see Tokens by Alert Type and Notification Type.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Alerts.

  2. In the Alerts dialog box, select the alert and click Edit.

  3. From the Modify Alert Wizard dialog box, click Token Criteria Selection in the left pane.

  4. To create rules under a rule group, do the following:

    1. Click the plus sign + to create the number of rules you need.

    2. For each rule, select a token and a condition and enter a value.

      For descriptions of the tokens, see Available Alert Tokens.

      Note: If advanced criteria options are available for the value field, the ellipsis [...] button is displayed. For information on advanced options, see Advanced Criteria Options.

    3. In the Match choice of the following rules list, define the relationship between the rules in the rule group:

      • To create an "AND" relationship, select all.

      • To create an "OR" relationship, select any.

  5. If you need another rule group, click Add Rule Group and add rules to the group using the preceding steps.

  6. If you have multiple rule groups, in the Match choice of the following groups list, define the relationship between the rule groups:

    • To create an "AND" relationship, select all.

    • To create an "OR" relationship, select any.

  7. Click Finish.


To send an email notification when the download software job is successful but does not download any files, make the following selections:

  • On the Threshold and Notification Criteria Selection page: Job Succeeded

  • On the Token Criteria Selection page: FILES DOWNLOADED, Equals, 0

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