Alerts and Notifications - Exporting or Importing an Alert Rule


Before You Begin

To see the Alert Rule button in the Alerts dialog box, users must have a security association that includes the Administrative Management permission at the CommServe level. For information on security associations, see Security Association Overview.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Home tab, and then click Alert.

  2. In the Alerts dialog box, click Alert Rule.

  3. Export an alert rule as an XML file:

    1. In the Alert Rules dialog box, select the rule.

    2. Click Export.

    3. Optional: Click Browse to change the location where the alert rule will be saved.

  4. Import an alert rule:

    1. In the Alert Rules dialog box, click Import.

    2. Navigate to the location where the alert rule file is saved.

    3. Click Open.

      The selected file is displayed in the Import Alert Rules dialog box.

    4. Click Import to import the rule.

    5. Click Close.

    You can create an alert based on this imported rule.

Customizing Output Columns

Managing Inputs

Editing an Alert Rule

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