Backing Up SQL Databases


You can run a backup operation.


  • Only full backup is supported to back up the SQL Analysis Services databases.

  • During a backup operation, the Analysis Services databases are staged at the Job Results directory by default. However, you can configure a different location for the staging folder. For more information, see Subclient Properties (General) - SQL Server Agent, Backup Staging Directory.

  • During a backup operation, if the Analysis Services account is NT Server\MSSQLServerOLAPService, and no staging path is explicitly set, the backup operation fails. To resolve this issue, set a staging path in the Subclient Properties dialog box, and then run a backup operation with the same Analysis Services account.

  • Commvault supports Tabular, Multidimensional and Data Mining modes of the SQL Analysis Services databases.

  • To back up full-text indexes for SQL Server 2005, you can use traditional and IntelliSnap backups.

  • To back up full-text indexes for SQL Server 2008 and later, you can use traditional, IntelliSnap and VSS-enabled backups.

  • To back up SQL Analysis Services databases, you must first discover Analysis Services instances, and then create subclients from these instances.

  • No support for running concurrent full backup and differential backup operations.

  • You must back up the master, msdb, and model system databases to restore the SQL Server after a system failure.

Before You Begin

Configure the settings mentioned below to back up SQL database in a Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) environment, where the instance name of the Windows Internal Database resembles MachineName\Microsoft##SSEE:

  1. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager window, click Protocols for MachineName\Microsoft##SSEE. Change the flag for Hide Instance to No.

  2. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager window, click SQL Server 2005 Services. Ensure that the SQL Server Browser service is running.

  3. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager window, click Protocols for MachineName\Microsoft##SSEE. Ensure that Named Pipes is enabled.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers > client > SQL Server > instance.

  2. Right-click the subclient, and then click Backup.

    The Backup Options for Subclient dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Select Backup Type pane, choose the backup type:

    • To run a full backup, select Full.

    • To run a differential backup, select Differential.

  4. In the Job Initiation section, choose whether to run the backup job immediately or on a schedule.

  5. Optional: To further customize the backup operation, click Advanced.

  6. Optional: To run your backup operations from a command line interface, click Save as Script.

    For more information, see Command Line Interface.

  7. Click OK.

If you selected to run the backup job immediately, you can monitor the progress of the backup job in the Job Controller window. For more information, see Job Controller.

After the backup job is complete, you can view the backup job history. For more information, see Job History.

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