Change User Account/Authenticate Active Directory Domain Controller


Note: All the options described in this help might not be available and only the options that appear in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Use this dialog box to enter or change the user account that is associated with the operation that is being performed, as applicable for the agent type:

  • For most agents, use this dialog box to enter or change the user account required to access the operating system, application, or network path.

  • For the Exchange mailbox agents, use this dialog box to authenticate the Active Directory domain for auto-discovery assignment of new mailboxes on the subclient.

  • For the Content Indexing Engine, use this dialog box to enter or change the user account to access the staging path.

Use This Account

Click to change the user account.

Domain Name

Use the space to type the name of the Active Directory domain for the user or mailbox.

User Name

The user account that will be used to access the operating system, application, or network path.


Use the space to type the password for the User Account.

Confirm Password

Use the space to retype the password for confirmation.

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