Command Line Interface for ContinuousDataReplicator


Available Commands

The following section provides a list of commands that can be used by the ContinuousDataReplicator.


Before you run a command, make sure to log on to the CommServe computer using the qlogin command. Similarly, use the qlogout command to log off from the CommServe computer.












qcreate replicationpair


This command creates replication pair for the given replication set.

qcreate replicationpair [-cs commserver] -c client -a iDataAgent -repset repsetname -spath sourcepath [-dpath destinationpath] [-commonbasefolder y|n)] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


CommServe host name


Client computer name


Agent name


Replication set name


Source path


Destination Path


Use the common base folder. Valid values are true/false.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Create a replication pair for client client1 with replication set repset1.

E:\commandline\Base>qcreate replicationpair -c client1 -a Q_FILE_REPLICATION -repset repset1 -spath E:\dir1 -dpath E:\dir2

qcreate repset


This command creates a replication set under the given agent or instance.

A replication set is similar in concept to a backup set which is used by some Agents, and represents a logical grouping of Replication Pairs. This allows you to configure certain properties and activities at the Replication Set level, and thus control all the included Replication Pairs together.


If you want to create repset from replication policy ensure your Replication Policy is created prior to running qcreate repset. The associated replication set policy will determine whether the replication set is for the ContinuousDataReplicator.

Upon successful completion, qcreate repset displays the message "Created replication set successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sp: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qcreate repset [-cs commserver] [-rp replicationpolicy] -c client -a iDataAgent -n repsetname [-dh destinationhost] [-fp filterpath] [-arp allowrecoverypoint(y|n)] [-commonbasefolder commonbasefolder)] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfile]


CommServe host name


Replication Set Policy


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (Q_FILE_REPLICATION)


This option pertains to ContinuousDataReplicator


Replication set name


Destination Host


Filter File Path/Pattern


Allow Recovery Point. Valid values are 'y' and 'n'.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Reads arguments from a file


Displays help

Argument File


CommServe Name


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Replication Policy Name


Destination Host Name




Common Base Folder Path


Filter Path


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.

  • Create a replication set (without Replication Policy) with name rd1 with common base folder under client client1 and agent Q_FILE_REPLICATION.

    E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -c client1 -n rd1 -dh host1 -a "Q_FILE_REPLICATION" -fp "*.exe" -fp "*.txt" -arp "y" -commonbasefolder E:\xyz
    Created repset successfully.
  • Create a replication set (with Replication Policy) with name rd1 based on replication policy properties under client client1 and agent Q_FILE_REPLICATION.

    E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -rp reppolicy1 -c client1 -n repset1 -a "Q_FILE_REPLICATION"
    Created repset successfully.

qlist dataagent


This command lists all of the agents installed on a given client computer. For a list of agents that this command can return, see Argument Values - Agent Types.

You can also get the static list of all available agents using the -all option. When more than one agent is found, the agents are listed one agent per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when no agents are found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "dataagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qlist dataagent -c client [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


List all iDataAgents available in the CommServe


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument. 2 - Any other failure.


List the all agents installed in client client1.

E:\commandline>qlist dataagent -c client1

qlist replicationpair


This command lists all the replication pairs for a replication set for a client.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "replicationpair: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qlist replicationpair [-c client] [-rsn repset] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Replication set name


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


List the replication pairs for replication set repset1 in client client1.

E:\commandline>qlist replicationpair -c client1 -rsn repset1

qlist replicationset


This command lists all the replication sets for a client.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format:"replicationset: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qlist replicationset [-c client] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


List all the replication sets for client client1.

E:\commandline>qlist replicationset -c client1

qoperation replication


This command performs replication operations with Smart and Full Sync on a replication pair or replication set.

It can also be used to stop, suspend and resume replication activity. Upon successful completion, qoperation replication displays the message "Replication operation successful" on the CommCell Console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "replication: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qoperation replication [-c client] [-rsn repset name] [-rpi repset pair id] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


[list] Client computer name


[list] Replication set name


[list] Replication pair ID


[list] Type of operations set. Valid values are:

  • start

  • startfullsync

  • abort

  • forceabort

  • suspend

  • resume


Reads token from a file


Token string


[nil] Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.

  • Starting replication on replication set repset1, replication pair with pair id 150 on client client1.

    E:\commandline>qoperation replication -c client1 -rsn repset1 -rpi 150 -o start
qoperation execute

You can delete a replication set by using an XML file. For more information on command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.

  1. On the ContinuousDataReplicator Agent host, run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the delete_backupset_template.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. Open the delete_backupset_template.xml file, add your specific parameters, and save the file.

    For information on supported backup set XML parameters, see Available Parameters.

  4. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base and type the command.

    qoperation execute -af delete_backupset_template.xml -clientName 'client_name' -appName 'Continuous Data Replicator' -instanceName 'DefaultInstanceName' -backupsetName 'backup_set'

  5. Run the qlogout command to log off the CommServe computer.

Qdelete dataagent


This command deconfigures or deletes the specified agent.

By default, the qdelete dataagent command asks for confirmation before deletion. You can skip the confirmation prompt using the "-y" option.

Upon completion, qdelete dataagent displays a message that the agent was successfully deleted on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "dataagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qdelete dataagent -c client -a agent [-deconfigure] [-y] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


The agent to be deleted (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Deconfigures the agent without deleting it


Delete without confirmation


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.

  • Delete an agent named MyDataAgent under client client1.

    qdelete dataagent -c client1 -a MyDataAgent
    This command deconfigures and deletes an agent, do you want to configure (y/n)
  • Deconfigure an agent named MyDataAgent under client client1 without any confirmation.

    qdelete client -c client1 -a MyDataAgent -deconfigure - y