CommCell Console Known Issues in Commvault Platform Release 2022E (11.28)

Exception Occurs While Opening CommCell Console Using Personalized Shortcuts After Updating to Commvault Platform Release 2022E

Commvault Platform Release 2022E uses Java 17, which requires a parameter called cvjvmparms.ini for commands that launch the CommCell Console using a cv.jar file.

For more information, see KB article 68890.

Existing HP-UX Clients Using Feature Release 11.20 May Not Be Able to Communicate with CommServer Computer

After upgrading the CommServe computer to CPR 2022E (11.28) and above, existing HP-UX clients using Feature Release 11.20 may not be able to communicate with the CommServe computer. Therefore, before upgrading the CommServe computer to CPR 2022E or a later release, you must upgrade all HP-UX clients to Feature Release 11.24 or a later release. For information about end-of-life and deprecated platforms, see End-of-Life, Deprecated, and Extended Support for Platforms.

Incorrect Display of 3DFS Share Status

The status of 3DFS shares is incorrectly displayed as Share is not ready even though the share is accessible from the NFS and SMB clients.

This will be addressed in a future service pack.
