Configuration Tab Options in the Private Metrics Reporting Dialog Box


Use this dialog box to enable or disable Metrics Reporting and configure all related options.

Client Groups for Diagnostics: Select the client groups to include in Metrics Reports.

  • All Client Groups: When selected, enables data collection for all client groups. To disable data collection for all client groups, clear the check box.

  • Available Client Groups: Allows you to select a particular client group or groups for which to collect information. Select a client group, and then click Add to move it to the Included Client Groups list. You can also click Add All to add all client groups to the Included Client Groups list.

  • Included Client Groups: The list of client groups for which data is collected. To remove client groups from this list, select a client group name, and then click Remove. To remove all client groups, click Remove All. Removed client groups appear in the Available Client Groups list.

Data Collection Time: When selected, allows you to specify when to collect data from the CommServe. If you specify a time, data collection will occur any time between the time that you set and the next hour.

If you leave this option cleared, data is collected at the default time. After data is collected for the first time, it will continue to be collected once every N hours, as specified in the Upload Frequency section.

After data is collected and uploaded from the CommServe computer to the Private Metrics Reporting Server, reports will be visible on Web Console in two minutes.

Upload Frequency (in days): Allows you to set the number of days between the time that data collection results are uploaded to the Metrics Reporting Server.

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