ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) Settings


The following settings are used to set up the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP). They are located on the Settings tab of the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) dashboard.

Basic Settings



Web Server URL

The URL for the Web Server host, including the port number.

The URL is the Web Server URL value on the Web Server URLs tab of the Advanced Client Properties dialog box.

Web Console URL

The URL for the Web Console host, including the port number.

The URL is the End User URL value on the Web Server URLs tab of the Advanced Client Properties dialog box.

External host name

The name of the host computer if you use an external host, rather than an internal host.

IMAP host name

The URL of the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP). This value is read-only.

Start time

The time that the ContentStore Mail ServerContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) was started. This value is read-only.

Session count

The number of IMAP connections per session that are connected to the server.

Mail days to sync

A list of predefined default date ranges within the maximum range that end users can view messages on their devices. The default maximum range is 365 days relative to today. You can change the maximum range in the advanced settings.

Upload certificate

Browse to the SSL certificate and upload it to the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP).

  • The certificate must include the fully qualified domain names of the endpoints to which the IMAP clients connect. Usually, this is the IMAP host name.

  • The supported format is PKCS#12 (.p12 or .pfx) and it must contain both public key certificates and private keys.

Advanced Settings



Max sessions

The maximum number of end-user sessions allowed on the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) at one time.

Max sessions per IP

The maximum number of email client sessions that are allowed per device.

Max bad commands

If the number of improper or unrecognized commands exceeds the value specified, the connection to the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) is terminated.

New backup check interval (minutes)

The number of minutes between each time the client polls the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) for new messages.

This value is in minutes.

Web Server message query page size

The number of messages that can be received for each IMAP server request to the Web Server. Use this setting to prevent large requests from placing a high load on the Web Server.

This value must be a positive number.

Web Server request timeout (seconds)

If the IMAP client does not get a response from the Web Server after the specified number of seconds, the connection between the IMAP server and the IMAP client is terminated.

This value is in seconds.

Server log level

The level of data reported in the server log for debugging purposes. Valid values are 0 to 9, where 9 is the greatest level of data. Increasing the value increases the level of detail in the log.

Session Timeout (seconds)

When no data is transferred between the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) and the IMAP client for the specified number of seconds, the connection is terminated.

This value is in seconds.

Maximum days messages can be accessed

The maximum date range of stored messages that can be viewed by the end user. The end date is relative to today's date.

This value is in days.

Default end-user date range (days)

The default range of days within the maximum range that end users can see messages on their devices. This range is relative to today's date. End users can adjust this value on their IMAP client.

This value is in days.

Use the Compliance Archiver Agent

When this option is selected, you provide end users with access to messages from the journaled mailbox that were backed up by the Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent. For more information about configuring this option, see Providing End-User Access to Journaled Messages.

Show IMAP traffic

When this option is selected, you can monitor user actions on the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) Sessions tab.

Show live the performance counter

When this option is selected, you can monitor server resource usage on the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) Counters tab.

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